Europako egoeraz eta ezkerraz hitz bi

Europar Batasunaz eta Europako ezkerraz maiz aritu gara blog honetan.

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Bill Mitchell-en artikulua: European Left face a Dystopia of their own making1.

(a) Nola neoliberalek kontinentea bereganatu zuten

(b) W. Schäuble-k 2009 hartu zuen finantza ministerioko kargua

(c) 2012ko aldarrikapena

(d) 2013 eta austeritatea

So, the European Left has nowhere (progressive) to go – no room to manouvre.

(e) Europako ezkerra eta monetarismoa

(f) Mitterand eta Delors

(g) Globalizazioa eta ideologia neoliberala


(1) Mitchell-en Eurogunea: harrapatuta sistema monetario disfuntzional batean2

An orderly dissolution [of the Eurozone] would be possible and would minimise the losses that such a move would have.


The GFC demonstrated clearly that the monetary union as structured is incapable of delivering reasonable outcomes to the citizens of the Member States who surrendered their currencies and adopted the euro.”

(2) Mitchell-en European Commission forecasts – a denial of their only effective policy tool3

Greece is predicted to remain in recession at least until 2017 and it will still have an unemployment rate of 24.4 per cent in 2017 – thanks go to the national leadership of Syriza for that!

But it will have an external surplus by 2017 (courtesy of the massive slump in imports) and its fiscal balance will come in under the Stability and Growth Pact thresholds and the primary fiscal balance (net of interest payments) will be in massive surplus.

A fine way to run a country.”


Various commentators thought that the quantitative easing program would give the banks more money to lend and that would stimulate investment.

It was a myth that was dispelled in the 1990s when the Bank of Japan fell for the same myth that pervades the university macroeconomics textbooks.

Please read … 2009…Quantitative easing 101.”


The Eurozone remains wedded to the idea that its fortunes depend on world trade which is driven by factors they cannot control.

Staring them in the face is massive unemployment and fiscal policy which they can control. Their refusal to use the most effective growth policy tool available to them is a demonstration of their on-going failure.”

(3) Mitchell-en The massive Eurozone real income losses continue to mount4

Eurostat released the third quarter National Accounts data for Europe on Friday (November 13, 2015) – GDP up by 0.3% in the euro area and by 0.4% in the EU28 – which showed real GDP growth slowing in the Eurozone (down from the slug-like 0.4 per cent) and nations such as Finland and Estonia (one of the previous ‘poster children’ for austerity) heading into basket-case territory. Finland contracted by a sharp -0.6 per cent in the Third-quarter 2015 and has been in recession since the Estonia contracted by 0.5 per cent as did the beleaguered Greece. Portugal stagnated at zero growth. The so-called European recovery is looking distinctly wan! As at the third-quarter 2015, the Eurozone as a whole as still not reached real GDP levels equal to the peak in the March-quarter 2008. The overall 19 economy monetary union is still smaller than it was before the crisis began some 7.5 years ago. (…) A very damaging folly has been inflicted on the people of Europe as a result of the neo-liberal Groupthink that dominates policy making.


The European Parliament needs to take over the running of things and introduce policies that reflect the will of the people. The European Commission should be largely disbanded and made an administrative support for the Parliament.


As at the third-quarter 2015, Greece was 26.3 percentage points below the March-quarter 2008 peak and Italy was 9 percentage points below. As at the second-quarter 2015 (latest data), Spain was 5.3 percentage points below the 2008 peak, Finland was 6.6 percentage points below the 2008 peak, and Portugal was 6.5 percentage points below the 2008 peak. A host of other European nations are in similar parlous shape.

And that is only comparing the current level of real GDP with the March 2008 level. It says nothing of where the potential real GDP path would have taken these nations had the recession been avoided.”

(4) Mitchell-en Europako ezkerraren porrotaz5

The GFC clearly … demonstrated that the political positions held by both the left- and right-wing governments in the West with respect to economic policy were untenable. Both sides of politics in each major and country adopted versions of market liberalism where the overlap was more dominant than the differences. While the left maintained some emphasis on social policy and the right maintained an emphasis on individual freedom (which was more about corporate freedom than anything), the fact remains that these differences were blurred by the dominance of the free market approach in each of their platforms.


I deal with the rise of Monetarism and the impact it had on the French position concerning Europe, particularly the role that the Left would play in advancing the monetary union, in detail in my current book – Eurozone Dystopia: Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale (published May 2015).

As the Monetarist insurgency spread from American academic institutions (for example, the University of Chicago) into the mainstream political debate, big changes were also underway in French politics, which significantly altered economic policy, not only domestically, but also with respect to the European Project.


… in March 1983, the French were at the crossroads and the incompatibility of these competing ambitions was obvious.

At that point, France had a choice. It could retain its policy sovereignty and pursue its legitimate domestic objectives by floating the franc or remain within the EMS and subjugate its domestic policy freedom to the dictates of the Bundesbank.

Unfortunately, for the French and for Europe in general, they chose the neo-liberal path, however culturally alien this was to them.


In other words, the spread of Monetarist and its related neo-liberal ideas, seduced the politicians on all sides of politics and allowed a cozy relationship to form between the economic technocrats in the various agencies such as the European Commission, the IMF, the World Bank and the political classes.

This infestation spread through both the Right and the Left and has defined the demise of the latter as a progressive force in world politics.

1 Ikus

2 Ikus The Eurozone – being ‘trapped in a dysfunctional monetary system’:

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