Finlandian ‘Fixit’ ere?

Reuters agentziak eman du albistea (2016.11.16): Finnish parliament will debate next year leaving euro zone.

Badirudi Finlandiak ere eurogunea ezegonkortu ahalko lukeela.

Izan ere, hiritarren eskari bat Finlandiako Parlamentuan sartu da eskatuz 2016an parlamentu eztabaida bat, “referendum on euro membership” delakoaz edukitzeko.

Bill Mitchell-ek dioenez1, kontuan edukiz Finlandiako egoera eurogunean2, euroa arazoa izan daitekeeneko ideia handituz doa3.

(Segituko dugu prozesu berri hau interes handiarekin.)

1 In Friday lay day – The Stability Pact didn’t mean much anyway, did it?:

2 Reuters-en arabera: “… the Nordic country has suffered three years of economic contraction and is currently performing worse than any other country in the euro zone.

3 Reuters-en arabera: “… pointing to the example of neighboring Sweden, which is outside the euro… (…) “Since 2008 the Swedish economy has grown by 8 percent, while ours has shrunk by 6 percent,” said Paavo Vayrynen, a Finnish member of the European Parliament who launched the initiative.”

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