Katalunia, mon amour (n-garrena)


Elkarrizketa, Kataluniako hauteskundeak gertatu eta gero…

The Catalan Left1.

Aipatutako puntuak:

(a) The bluff, Grezian bezala2 (Syriza, Tsipras eta orakulua, aka Varoufakis)

(b) Ezker bakarra3

(c) CUP4

(d) The Catalan Countries5

(e) Hiru printzipio nagusi6

(f) Ekonomian, zer?7

Zer dugu Euskal Herrian?

Foralismoaren eta laugarren karlistadaren artean, zein aukeratu?

2 Ingelesez: “… In 2012’s regional election — before the rise of Podemos — ICV obtained thirteen members of parliament (MPs) and 9.89 percent of the vote, which translates to almost 359,000 votes. In 2015, the coalition with Podemos won eleven seats in the parliament and 8.94 percent of the vote, around 366,000 votes. The Podemos phenomenon and its ambivalent message on Catalan secession has not been able to capture a Catalan electorate in the midst of separatist momentum.

3 Ingelesez: “… the real leftist phenomenon in Catalonia is Candidatura d’Unitat Popular (Candidacy of Popular Unity, CUP). Born in 1986 as a platform for a constellation of Catalan parties and organizations in the separatist left, CUP was formed through a hybridization of socialism and radical separatism (which they call “national liberation”). In last month’s plebiscite, CUP obtained its best results so far, with ten MPs and 8.2 percent of the vote, which represents more than 336,000 votes.”

4 Ingelesez: “… the party defines itself as a “nationwide political organization rooted in the assembly (assembleària), present all over the ‘Catalan Countries’ with a focus on the municipal level, that works for independent, socialist, sustainable, equilibrate (territorialment equilibrats), anti-patriarchal Catalan Countries.”

5 Ingelesez: “This view has intense parallels with Basque irredentism and the reunion of all the provinces of the Basque Country (Euskal Herria), covering Álava, Guipúzcoa, Vizcaya and Navarre in Spain, and parts of the “Département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques” in France.”

6 Ingelesez: “… the open assembly as the highest expression of participatory democracy, municipalism, and popular unity.”

7 Ingelesez: “If Catalonia becomes independent after a unilateral declaration of independence and a radical rupture with Spain, CUP advocates for accepting no part of the Spanish national debt and leaving the European Union, with all its consequences. However, CUP knows that it is not in a position to exert this agenda alone and tries to push these goals in the broad spectrum of the separatist movement.

In fact, recent declarations from EU representatives about the real risk of a Catalan exit from the Union has been happily received in the Catalan separatist left, even though center-right separatism supports membership in the EU and the single currency. Major Spanish banks issued a menacing warning to Catalans in which they threatened to leave Catalonia in case of secession. These messages have had the opposite effect they intended: the secessionist momentum has continued to surge and the Catalan left has seen an opportunity for real social and economic liberation from European power structures.

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    …Batetik, litekeena da Espainiako Estatuak erremediorik ez izatea; alegia, haren demokratizazio sakon bat ameskeria hutsa izatea eta sekula ez onartzea estatu barruko izaera nazioanitza eta, beraz, herrien erabakitzeko eskubidea. Ezin da egon estatua noiz demokratizatuko, eta prozesu independentista bat martxan jarri behar da. Kataluniak hori egin du. Geuk ere jarri beharko genuke; hartara, bion artean indar handiagoa egin dezakegu.”


    “A.R: Yo creo que la sociedad vasca aún no ha alcanzado la conclusión de la sociedad catalana: que el Estado español probablemente no tenga remedio. Tras años y décadas intentando democratizarlo, Catalunya ha visto que eso no es posible y ha elevado su conclusión a definitiva. O, al menos, ha visto que ese escenario solo será factible si lleva a sus últimas consecuencias su proceso independentista. La sociedad vasca aún no ha llegado ahí, me atrevería a decir que es la asignatura pendiente.”

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