Herri Batasuneko Kandidatura EHn?

Albistea: ‘Per una CUP castellana’: les repercussions de l’auge de l’esquerra independentista


Eskozian, RISE (http://leftproject.scot/): http://leftproject.scot/2015/the-rise-of-the-scottish-left/

Grezian, Herri Batasuna, Popular Unity  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popular_Unity_%28Greece%29)

Katalunian, CUP (http://cup.cat/)

Gaztelako CUP, hurrengoan?

Comunidad Comunera

Por unas CUP castellanas
En Castilla también lo queremos decidir todo.
Castilla Sí, Soberana.

Eta EHn?

Karlistada berriari aurre egiteko, agian gero eta beharrezkoagoa izango da Herri Batasuneko Kandidatura! 

Iruzkinak (3)

  • joseba

    Defeat and Demoralization in Greece (1/2)


    “… what lacked in the campaign, partly due to the objective lack of time, partly also because we were not sufficiently prepared for that, was a more elaborate programmatic statement explaining why the option of maintaining the anti-austerity direction and going for a confrontation with the European Union and the European institutions, which means leaving the Euro, because what we have seen actually all these months is if we stay in the Euro then inevitably we’ll have to swallow memorandums and even more of austerity and those memoranda. So we needed to explain how this is a viable and sustainable option for the country, and why this is beneficial for the working people.”

  • joseba

    The Future of Popular Unity in Greece (2/2)


    “The future of Popular Unity largely depends on how society will react to the tsunami that is coming now with the new austerity package that will be implemented in the forthcoming days and weeks. Because the reality of the situation is that Tsipras and his government had it easy so far, so to say. Because they have signed up the memorandum, they have committed themselves to this awful set of austerity measures.

    (…) the point is that the government has committed itself to the lenders to adopt about 50 austerity measures in October, just in October. About 70 in November. And in total nearly 200 before the end of the year. So it will be–this will create a proper shock in society.

    (…) years of propaganda about exiting the euro being an absolute disaster, the apocalypse, the end of the world, have produced an effect. And they have produced that effect because Syriza gradually but steadily reproduced that discourse and fully adopted it once it had signed the memorandum. So you know, no one has explained, not a single political force in Greece has explained to the people that leaving the euro is not the end of the world, that it is a sustainable option, that it has also positive aspects in it and it opens up new possibilities.”

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