Abuztu beroa: news from nowhere

1) Spyware?

Spyware or OS? Microsoft’s Windows 10 literally logs and shares everything you do:


2) Zoramena Irratian eta TVn?

Abuztuak 5.

Mendira, aldapan gora…, bat batean EITBko batek dei egiten dit…

Behar dute irratian zertxobait esatea aurrekontuaz… eta mesedez parte hartzea…

Mendian gora.


Esaten didate Radio Euskadi dela (uste nuen Euskadi irratia zela…, bestela ez nukeen parte hartuko).

Mendian gora eta esaten didate nire ahotsa ongi ulertzeko, mesedez geratzea pixka bat hitz egingo dudan bitartean…


Radio Euskadi, Boulevard (2014-2015) (05/08/2015)

Linka: http://www.eitb.tv/es/player/radio/radio-euskadi/2514934/3398076/

Entzun 01.43.45etik 1:50:02ra… : sei minutu eskas!


Berriz, mendian gora…

Interesatzen ote zaio inori esandakoa?

Harrigarri bada ere, erdaraz esandakoa lehen (eta azken!) ‘elkarrizketan’ jende askok, ezagun askok entzun du, dei egin didatelako esateko entzun egin didatela…

Are gehiago, mendian gora eta handik ordu bat eta erdira edo ETB2tik, erdarazko TVtik, beste batek dei egin dit parte hartzeko egun berean, abuztuaren 5ean, programa batean, entzun dutelako nik esandakoa… (SEI MINUTUKOA!)

Eta handik bizpahiru egunetara deitu egin didate ETB1etik parte hartzeko beste programa batean…

Ez dut parte hartu azken bi programa horietan… Zertarako? Ezetza eman nien.

Eta lehen irrati saio hartan parte hartu nuen ‘harrapatuta’ sentitu nuelako, ezagun batek mesedea eskatu zidanean…

Bat bateko gauzatxoa, ia bertsolaritza menditarra, zuzenean eta irratian…, aurretik ezer pentsatu gabe eta jakin gabe zertaz izango ziren galderak…, gainera erdara batuan!

Too much!

Zertarako balio du horrek guztiak?

Ni neu blog batean nago, egunero, mundu zabal eta osoko edozein lekutatik bisitatu daitekeeneko blogean, baita galderak edo iruzkinak egiteko ere…

Oilategiak ez zaizkit gustatzen.

Horrela esan nion ETB1eko ezagun bati proposatu zidanean astero egoteko bere programan, gero bi astean behin, gero hilabetean behin,…

Ez, ez dakit zertarako balio duen irratiak zein TVn norberak esaten duenak.

Agian soilik saltsan egoteko…

Horretarako, baina, saltsa gustatu behar zaio norberari!

3) Paradisutik?

From Troika hater to Troika defender. How Alexis Tsipras became the EU’s number one fan:


Rebellious and defiant no more…Greece makes its IMF payment on time, no complaints:


Greek Dockworkers Against the Troika:


4) And the winner is…

The big winner…Germany saved a cool 100 billion euros in borrowing costs thanks to the recent Greek debt crisis


5) Karlistada berritik?

Dirudienez, XXI. mendeko karlistada berria ahulduz omen bide doa…

Pena handi bat karlista berrientzat.

Zer egingo ote dute 2016an?

6) My way

To enjoy!




Gozatu musikaz eta ahotsez!

Ongi pasa!

Iruzkinak (3)

  • joseba

    Greece isn’t fixed…by a long way – August 12th 2015

    “The bail out is a cynical ruse, not to benefit Greece as a whole, but to benefit the banks and other creditors (the ECB and the IMF) who should take their medicine and move on. The one thing keeping the whole blighted euro project in place is an arrogant denial of the facts. A loss of political face now is a small price to pay for a much better outcome that will disadvantage far fewer people than the disorganised chaos into which Euroland will descend if the current bunch of lunatics are not put back in the asylum. Is this a Europe we want to be part of?“

  • joseba

    Escaping the Euro Dream

    “This defeat [Greece’s] represents an occasion to reflect, ask questions, and exercise some self-criticism. The capitulation of the first genuinely leftist government within the European Union since the outbreak of the economic crisis to the German government and the other European governments that follow Germany’s lead is ultimately our own defeat, and a defeat for the entire European left as well.
    (…) the central premises of the Greek government’s political strategy — the non-negotiability of staying in the eurozone while simultaneously rejecting a politics of austerity — would not (and could not) have had any other result. Ultimately, this strategy gave the Greek government no choice but to submit to the diktat of Merkel and Schaeuble.
    A Left-Wing Grexit
    (…) remaining in the eurozone would mean further austerity and immiseration, the de facto abandonment of democratic and parliamentary competencies, and a historic political test for Syriza as a party. Remaining in the eurozone has forced the Syriza government — at least for now — to switch tracks from being a bitter enemy of austerity to the executive organ of the troika dictatorship in Greece.
    The responsibility for the mistake of not preparing a Plan B and not fighting to win over majorities in favor of such a strategy is not that of Syriza alone — it is the responsibility of the entire European left. (…)
    Shattering the EU Illusion
    (…) The construction of the euro and Germany’s aggressive export strategy are harmful to economically weaker countries like Greece, particularly since the various states do not share a common or coordinated economic policy.
    (…) to build an “oxi” to neoliberalism and austerity that truly earns its name.

Utzi erantzuna joseba(r)i Cancel Reply

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