Greziako Newspeak berria

“… both the left and the right as well as economists and policymakers across the political spectrum fail to recognize that money is a public monopoly

(Randall Wray, 2011)

Hasteko, irakur Orwell-en Newspeak berria1.

(i) Grezia ez da kasu bakarra:

Greece is not a special case. Debt-to-GDP is skyrocketing in all of Europe [Charts]

(ii) Euskal Herriko media: Sirizak ongi, barka, oso ongi egin du (sic)

A must read: Brain drain, suicide, mass poverty…Greece’s humanitarian catastrophe in nine charts

(iii) Greziako media:

Did Greek newspaper “To Vima” damage Greek – Russian relations, by trying to make Tsipras look good?

(iv) TINA (There is no alternative) ala TIA (There is alternative)?

Bob Gorman ‏@BobGorman8791 uzt. 19

@billy_blog @GrkStav @LevyEcon @StephanieKelton @ptcherneva replace TINA (There Is No Alternative) with TIA (There Is Alternative) = #MMT

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Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude