Ez omen bide dago ezker/eskuin desberdintasunik progreen artean…
Esan dezagun argi, garbi eta ozen: esker/eskuin ezberdintasunik badago egon, noski.
Hona hemen Europako ezkerraz hitz batzuk.
Bi aurrekari:
(i) When the left became lost – Part 11
(ii) Syriza must stay left of the line – more is at stake than Greece2
(Syrizak, oro har, bereak egin ditu. Hala ere, irakur Mitchell-en artikulua, ezkerrari dagokionez…)
(iii) There is still a meaningful left-right distinction3
“While it might be difficult to pin down what a left-wing position is, the following propositions appear obvious:
1. A left-wing government would not accept policies that worsened unemployment.
2. A left-wing government would not accept policies that made the material standard of living of the most disadvantaged citizens worse off.
3. A left-wing government would not attack social welfare programs, including old-age pensions, minimum wages and housing subsidies.
4. A left-wing government would not seek to reduce job protections.
5. A left-wing government would not agree to privatise essential services (power, transport etc).
On all those accounts, the Syriza government is acting as a right-wing force in Greek politics.”
joseba says:
Costas Lapavitsas: The Syriza strategy has come to an end
“Greece needs to consider the true alternative path which is to leave this failed monetary union. It is clearly the only way that was there from the beginning – which is basically exit.
…for five years this country has been subjected to the most incredible misinformation and scaremongering campaigns.
The first thing to happen is for the EU and Greece to understand that they are flogging a dead horse. After 5 years of torture, it is time to finish. This strategy has come to an end…”
joseba says:
Deal with lenders approved despite strong SYRIZA opposition
joseba says:
Greece: The Struggle Continues
Key Points:
The government was overtaken by the referendum’s momentum.
The ideology of left-Europeanism was crippling.
Remaining unprepared for Grexit was deliberate.
The government has two main camps.
The “No” campaign was driven by class.
After the vote, Tsipras revived a discredited opposition.
The Left Platform plans to stay and fight to reclaim Syriza.
Syriza’s leadership want to purge the party.
The new agreement is the worst yet.
It’s unknown what resistance will follow.
Syriza’s left made some errors.
But working within the party wasn’t a mistake.
joseba says:
Greek Parliament votes “NAI” for 3rd austerity memorandum. Syriza loses Parliament majority
joseba says:
“La maggioranza degli pseudo-Keynesiani e il Regime Tsipras dovrebbero capirlo: l’Euro è stato creato come un “Inferno à la Dante” da cui non esiste via di fuga”
Alain Parguez
joseba says:
SPIEGEL Interview with Wolfgang Schäuble: ‘There Is No German Dominance’
joseba says:
Alexis Tsipras’ Anti-Politics: