
Ez omen bide dago ezker/eskuin desberdintasunik progreen artean…

Esan dezagun argi, garbi eta ozen: esker/eskuin ezberdintasunik badago egon, noski.

Hona hemen Europako ezkerraz hitz batzuk.

Bi aurrekari:

(i) When the left became lost – Part 11

(ii) Syriza must stay left of the line – more is at stake than Greece2

(Syrizak, oro har, bereak egin ditu. Hala ere, irakur Mitchell-en artikulua, ezkerrari dagokionez…)


(iii) There is still a meaningful left-right distinction3

“While it might be difficult to pin down what a left-wing position is, the following propositions appear obvious:

1. A left-wing government would not accept policies that worsened unemployment.
2. A left-wing government would not accept policies that made the material standard of living of the most disadvantaged citizens worse off.
3. A left-wing government would not attack social welfare programs, including old-age pensions, minimum wages and housing subsidies.
4. A left-wing government would not seek to reduce job protections.
5. A left-wing government would not agree to privatise essential services (power, transport etc).

On all those accounts, the Syriza government is acting as a right-wing force in Greek politics.”

Iruzkinak (7)

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Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude