Igandeko albisteak (Erreferendum eguna)


Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, “after 2,500 years in Western World only current Greek gov is interested in democracy”


Greeks Vote In “Holy Moment” – Live Updates


Must read from Automatic Earth, “This currency that Greece is fighting so hard to be part of is in fact strangling it”


The Economist Calls Victory For “No” Camp: Sees 60% Voting “Oxi”


Europarliament President Threatens Greeks With Armageddon If They Vote No


Trillion-Dollar Asset Managers Warn On Greece Fallout: “No Blueprint” Means “All Kinds Of Uncertainty”


Greek Referendum Polls Close: “No” Seen Ahead By Most


A “No” Victory Appears Probable: What Happens Next According To Deutsche Ban


Official Greferendum Results Show “No” Avalanche With Over 60% Of The Vote, 21% Counted


Datuak hortxe daude, ezetza irabaziz doa…, inolako dudarik gabe.


Arratsaldeko 19:00ak inguruan hasita

Kathimerini English @ekathimerini

Gov’t spokesman #Sakellaridis on Greek TV: Negotiations.. must be concluded very soon, even after 48 hours #Greece #referéndum

Kathimerini English @ekathimerini

Greek FinMin #Varoufakis dnies saying he sees agreement in next 24 hours #Greece #referendum

Kathimerini English @ekathimerini

Gov’t will do everything to seal deal with lenders, says spokesman http://dlvr.it/BQrKQ9 

Kathimerini English @ekathimerini

Greek finance minister to meet with bankers later Sunday http://dlvr.it/BQrQRY 

Kathimerini English @ekathimerini

ND’s #Meimarkis: if we don’t have an agreement within 48 hours as the PM promised, then we will be led to a tragedy #Greece #referendum

Kathimerini English @ekathimerini

Greece has no plans to issue parallel currency, says Tsakalotos http://dlvr.it/BQs0By 

Kathimerini English @ekathimerini

Greek central bank to make request to ECB to raise ELA funding http://dlvr.it/BQrtg5 

Kathimerini English @ekathimerini

Minister of State Nikos #Pappas: no bail-in of depositors, agreement by July 20 #Greece #referéndum

Kathimerini English @ekathimerini

Senior eurozone officials to meet Monday on #Greece, source tells AFP #referendum


Beraz, adi, ‘akordioa’ mahai gainean egon da, erreferenduma hasi baino lehenago…

Orain komedia pixka bat behar da…

Eta gero, benetako kapitulazioa!

Kapitulazioa heltzear...

Prest ote dago Europako ‘ezkerra’ (Greziakoa, Portugalekoa, Irlandakoa, Italiako, Espainiakoa, …, Kataluniakoa eta Euskal Herrikoa) kapitulazioa onartzeko? Alegia, Orwellian Newspeak delakoan, ‘akordioa’ onartzeko?

Prest egon zein ez, albistea laster etorriko da…

Galdera: ezker ofizial horiek guztiak benetan ezkerrak dira ala erabat galduta dauden azken sasi ezkerrak?

Gehigarriak: (i) Ezkerraz; (ii) Infernuaz


Europako ezkerraren porrotaz, irakur Bill Mitchell-en When the left became lost – Part 11 eta Syriza must stay left of the line – more is at stake than Greece2.


Hona hemen infernuaren datuak:

(amerikar bilioi bat: 1000.000.000)


‘Akordioa’ ala kapitulazioa? Kapitulazioa ala ‘akordioa’?

Newspeak? Yes, of course!

Ezkerra ala bluff?

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    W. Mosler: Greece loses the gambit


    “The question was whether the EU economy needed Greece, and the answer is now looking more and more like ‘no’.
    Not a good position for Greece to find itself after posturing as if it is needed.
    That is, Greece forced a test of that question and appears to have the leverage the possibility that they were needed gave them.

    The camp claiming that Greece has been dragging down the entire EU economy is getting more support from the same data.
    And so now while Greece isn’t being formally ousted, it will see it’s economy continue to deteriorate if it doesn’t agree to troika terms and return to ‘normal funding’ via securities sales at low rates under the ECB’s ‘do what it takes’ umbrella, and rejoin the rest of the members.
    If the govt starts paying in IOU’s payments get made for a while, however they will be discounted ever more heavily with time, raising the cost of re entry to ‘normal’ funding, and the EU counts those as additions to deficit spending which could cause the terms of re entry to be that much steeper.
    And any movement by Greece to use alternative funding will be taken as reason not to return Greece to ‘normal’ funding under the ECB umbrella.”

Utzi erantzuna joseba(r)i Cancel Reply

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude