Non dago Europako ezkerra? Zertan ari da?
2012an Italiaz aritu ginen1. Baita 2013an eta 2014an. Bertan Mosler eta beste DTM-koak egon ziren.
Bazirudien ereindako haziak fruitu onak ekarriko zituela.
Hazia botata zegoen, baina 2014an fruiturik ez. Izan ere, Mosler-ek zioen moduan: “Italiak amore eman du. Italy surrenders2.
2015ean, Italiar batzuk, askotxo gogor hasi dira berriz DTMz jabetu nahiz. Nahiko dateke azken bolada honetan Rete MMTz eta ME MMTz blogean egindako sarrerei begirada bat ematea.
Italia eta Euskal Herria nolabait parekatu genuen3, eta free lancer gisa aritzea erabaki nuen. Horretan segitzen dut.
Zer gertatu zen Italian? Hitz gutxitan: ohiko ezkerra galduta zegoen, erabat.
“Zirkulu karratuaren bila: eurogunean segitzea eta aldi berean austeritatearekin bukatu nahi izatea.”
Greziaz aspalditik aritu gara. Hasiera hemen: Greziaz haratago4. Geroago eta gaur arte hamaika sarrera daude blogean.
Afera berbera. Syrizakoen itsukeria eta, berriz ere, aipatutako zirkulu karratuaren bila.
Alta, irtenbidea argi zegoen eta oraindik dago. Erabateko kapitulazioa ala Grexit.
(Egia esan Syrizako batzuek, ez askok, aspalditik aipatu dute irtenbidea Grexit dela.)
Kuriosoa dena ondokoa da.
Kapitulazioa erabakitzekotan, erabatekoa izango da.
Gure ustez, aukera tamalgarri hori iragarrita egon da, aspalditik gainera.
Joan den apirilaren 23an, Done Jurgi egunean, Sarrikoko Ekonomia fakultatean emandako hitzaldian, entzuleei, bertako ikasleei, esan nien moduan, Syrizak azkenean dena irentsiko zuen, den dena, kapitulazioaren eta Grexit-en artean erabateko kapitulazioa, Troikari men egitea aukeratuz.
Syriza ezkertiarra ote? Erradikala ote? Definizioz?
Okerrena hauxe da: aldizkari, egunkari, irrati, telebista eta mass media askotan kapitulazio hori garaipen gisa saldu nahi dute. Zer dela eta? Galduta daudelako. Beren buruak ezkertiartzat edukita, ez dira konturatu, ala ez dute konturatu nahi?, Syriza ez dela ezkertiarra, ezta erradikala ere, Europako ohiko ezker ofiziala baizik, zeinak eurogunea onartzen duen.
Nahiz eta hitzez austeritatearen aukera aipatu, horiek ere zirkulu karratuaren bila egon dira. Oraindik daude. Noiz arte?
Zein da arazoa? Ezjakintasuna, ezjakintasun itzela, apartekoa. Monetaz, ekonomiaz, defizitaz, krisiaz eta berrorren irtenbideaz, eta abar oso-oso luzeaz…
Orain, badirudi Portugal azalduko dela plazan.
Izan ere, hona hemen albistea: Portugal’s “Left-Wing” Forces Threaten Troika Revolt5.
Albistearen punturik aipagarrienak.
a) Aukera berezia, Zipre gisa: Troika ala ezegonkortasun soziala6
b) Grexit gertatzen baldin bada, Grezia eta gero, Espainia, Italia, Portugal eta Irlandan antzeko egoera errepikatu daiteke7
c) Badirudi Portugaleko Alderdi Sozialista austeritate eta Troikaren aurka arituko dela8
d) Halaber, badirudi ez daudela ados Syrizarekin9, nahiz eta programa berdintsua eduki
e) Plan ekonomikoa10 eta Europar Batasuneko baldintzak
f) Noski, Greziari daude begira11
g) Portugal ez dago Troikarekiko Greziak daukan egoeran12…
h) … nahiz eta ‘zuzentzeko eginkizunen gomendioak‘ tartean egon13…
Bai, adi egon, “recommendations for corrective actions.”
Ez ahaztu, M. Draghi-ren promesa: “… the ECB’s promise to “do whatever it takes” to support EMU member nations.”
Baina, “… should the country suddenly slide back into the fiscal abyss (…) and need another “program”, EU officials will want to ensure the country’s government won’t be able to point to the Greek negotiations for examples of Troika leniency.”
Hortaz, badirudi Portugal ere zirkulu karratuaren bila abiatuko dela, hots, austeritatearekin bukatu nahi izatea eta aldi berean eurogunean segitzea…
Bukaera, ezaguna, ezagunegia da!
Non dago, hortaz, gaur egun ezkerra Europa osoan?
Badakigu Italian mugimendu sendo bat dagoela14.
Baina Italiatik at? Zertan ari da ezkerra Europar Batasunean?
Katalunian ba ote dago ezker mugimendurik independentismoaren barnean? Non?
Non dago ezkerra Euskal Herrian? Egotekotan, zein da haren programa? Zer dio euroguneaz? Zer dio langabeziaz?
1 Ikus Italian lehen eta orain. Warren Mosler: Mosler-ek Italian laster emango duen hitzaldiaz: Warren Mosler Italian:
3 Ikus Italia eta Euskal Herria:
6 Ingelesez: “As we discussed on Wednesday, Europe — and now at least one ratings agency — is doing its very best to trigger a terminal bank run in Greece and thereby deal the final, destabilizing blow to the country’s radical socialist saviors (Syriza) who, in the event the ATMs go dark or depositors end up Cyprus’d, would be forced to either concede to each and every Troika demand in order to get a deal (thus abandoning campaign promises and its entire mandate in the process) or risk social and political instability and the prospect that Greeks will eventually decide that a government of pandering technocrats beats starving any day of the week.”
7 Ingelesez: “In this context we asked if perhaps it was time for Greeks to ask themselves if this is the kind of “European” partner they want to bind their fate to: a partner that will do everything in its power to subvert a democratically elected government, even if, or rather especially if, it means a wholesale “bail-in” for Greek depositors, who may lose as much as 70 cents on every euro.
We went on to say that after Greece is done soul searching, the people of Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland should ask the same question, because if we have a Grexit in two weeks, then these countries are next.”
“Europe faces the risk of a second revolt by Left-wing forces in the South after Portugal’s Socialist Party vowed to defy austerity demands from the country’s creditors and block any further sackings of public officials. “We will carry out a reverse policy,” said Antonio Costa, the Socialist leader. Mr Costa said a clear majority of his party wants to halt the “obsession with austerity”. Speaking to journalists in Lisbon as his country prepares for elections – expected in October – he insisted that Portugal must start rebuilding key parts of the public sector following the drastic cuts under the previous EU-IMF Troika regime…“There must be an alternative that allows us to turn the page on austerity, revive the economy, create jobs, and – while complying with euro area rules – restore hope to this county,” he said.”
9 Ingelesez: “While the Socialist Party insists that it is a different animal from the radical Syriza movement in Greece, there is a striking similarity in some of the pre-electoral language and proposals. Syriza also pledged to stick to EMU rules, while at the same time campaigning for policies that were bound to provoke a head-on collision with creditors…”
10 Ingelesez: “The plan would appear entirely incompatible with the EU’s Fiscal Compact, which requires Portugal to run massive primary surpluses to cut its public debt from 130pc to 60pc of GDP over 20 years under pain of sanctions.”
11 Ingelesez: ““Greece is the testing ground and everybody is watching very carefully. That is why the Spanish and Portuguese prime ministers have been so hawkish,” said Vincenzo Scarpetta, from Open Europe”
12 Ingelesez: “… the situation is a bit different in Portugal, as the country is not beholden to “the institutions” to the same extent as Greece. That said, once someone gives you a $78 billion loan, it’s likely to be a long time before they give up their right to have a say in your affairs especially when the balance isn’t completely paid off.”
13 Ingelesez: “However, countries remain under “post-programme surveillance”, with two monitoring missions on the ground each year until they have repaid 75pc of the money. Portugal will not be in the clear for a long time.
The legal text stated that the council of EMU ministers can issue “recommendations for corrective actions if necessary and where appropriate”. The EU bail-out funds (ESM and EFSF) have their own “early warning mechanism” to ensure that debtors stay on the right track.”
14 Alain Parguez-ek dioenez, “Solo in Italia esiste oggi un movimento che si oppone al totalitarismo che sta trascinando l’Europa, e forse il mondo, verso la catastrofe”: