Hasieran Mosler zen…

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Lehena 1996an Pavlina R. Tcherneva-k idatzia1. Bertan Warren Molser-ek 19942an idatzitakoari iruzkin luze bat egin zion.

Bigarrena Mosler-ek berak idatzia, 2001ean: Rites of Passage. The Child of Consensus3.

Geroago eta gaur egun arte, 1994ko eta 2001eko lan horiek findu, birfindu, hobetu eta zabaldu egin ditu ekonomialari amerikarrak4.

2 Ikus History of MMT: http://mmtwiki.org/wiki/History_of_MMT.

4 Ikus, besteak beste, link honetan (http://moslereconomics.com/mandatory-readings/) dauden Mosler-en lanak. Halaber, ikus haren bloga: http://moslereconomics.com/.

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    The Euro Has Been an Accident Waiting To Happenç


    I wrote this article about the Euro in 2001 and it is very apropos today.

    I am currently reminded, in the these times of sustained concern about the Euro, that I used to say “It’s an unstable equilibrium.” It is like balancing a marble on top of an upside down bowl; once it starts to move it accelerates downward. The U.S. dollar in contrast is a stable equilibrium system; it is like placing a marble in a bowl right side up. Any movement meets forces which brings it back to the starting point. Like many ponzi schemes, the Euro worked just fine on the way up, running into difficulty only after things turned down.

    ****** Start of my 2001 article “Rites of Passage “******

    The Child of Consensus

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