Grezia prestatzen ari da irteteko…

Albistea: Greece prepares to leave1.

Gauza bat garbi geratu da, alegia, Syriza ez dela ‘erradikala’…

Gaur arte, gainontzeko Europak zer egingo lukeena asmatzen saiatu izan da Syriza.

Noski, Grezia, Syriza-ren bitartez, eurogunea uzteko prestatzen ari da. Eta urrats horren ondorioak etengabe, gelditu gabe, eztabaidatzen ari dira. Zoroak izango lirateke horrelako eztabaidak edukiko ez balituzte. Eta, jakina, punturen batean erreferendum bat egongo da.

Caveat: Syriza-k bere boto emaileengandik agindua jaso behar du berak egiten duenerako. Momentuz, ez dauka agindurik hurrengo ekitaldietarako.

Syriza-k mugimenduak egingo ditu harik eta Greziako jendea prest egongo den euroguneko kidetasunaz erreferendumean boto emateko.

Alexis Tsipras-ek Greziako jendeari adierazi behar diona hauxe da: eurogunean egoten segitzeko eta denbora berean austeritatearekin bukatzeko agindua agindu hutsa, hutsala da, zeren euroguneak horri uko egiten dion.

Bihurgune puntuan dago Grezia.

Statis Kouvelakis Syriza-ko komite zentraleko kideak dioenez2

It should be clear, however, that these moves would bring about a dynamic that would breach fundamental constraints of the monetary union and would inevitably lead to the exit from it.”

Baina Kouvelakis-ek arrazonatzen du Syriza-ren gaur egungo aginduak segurtatzen ez duen ikuspuntu batetik.

Tsipras eta Varoufakis-ek Bruselan eta Berlinen amore emango balute, orduan erabaki hori ere jendearen aurrean jarri beharko litzateke botatzeko, zeren horrek austeritatearen jarraipena izango bailitzateke. Eta hori ez da agindua.

Era berean, liderrek erabakitzen badute erabaki bakarra eurogunetik irtetea dela eta negoziaketa gehiago itxaropenik gabekoa dela zeren Europak ez baitu ezer gehiagorik onartuko, hori ere botoen bidez erabaki behar da.

Beraz, ez okertu: “of course they’re preparing to leave.”

Iruzkinak (4)

  • joseba

    Europe Pulls Rug From Under Greece, Says “Nein” To “Vague, Piecemeal” Proposals

    “Greek proposals for a revised bailout program don’t have enough detail to satisfy the government’s international creditors, eurozone officials said, making it more likely that Athens will need to go several more weeks without a new infusion of desperately-needed cash.”

  • joseba

    Globalist Financiers Fleece Greece

    The first mandate SYRIZA obtained from a fed up sovereign electorate, who finally and rightly rejected the corrupt old-guard Greek political establishment, was to renegotiate a more rational, realistic and productive debt repayment schedule / structure with the TROIKA.  

    That is precisely what Alexis Tsipras & Yanis Varoufakis have diligently attempted to accomplish thus far.  Should they fail because Brussels continues to insist on sucking blood from a rock, then the next momentous mandate will be to leave the Eurozone altogether, and for that they will require a national referendum from the Greek people themselves.

    Make no mistake, the international banking cartel of our times are on a mission to dismantle the sovereignty of all people.  Greece is the first nation, as a people, to recognize this and begin to understand the craven calculated cataclysm.  It is said that hardship often sharpen our perceptions.   

  • joseba

    Germany tells Greece, once again, no more money until more bone crushing austerity is implemented

    “Germany continues to tighten the screws on Greece.

    This time, the Eurozone defacto leader, and paymaster has declared one big “nein” to anymore financial aid to Greece until a more detailed plan is put forth and reforms (austerity) are implemented.
    We are beginning to think that all of this brinksmanship is really just Germany’s way to push Greece out of the EZ, and SYRIZA’s way of saying to the populace back home, “we wanted to stay but they pushed us out.”
    Greece will run out of money by April 20th without more aid, so any way you slice it or dice it, Greece is going to run out of cash unless someone blinks…otherwise a Grexit will finally comes to pass.”

  • joseba

    Greece draws up drachma plans, prepares to miss IMF payment

    “The situation is now critical. Even if Greece manages to cobble together enough money to cover the April deadline, it owes the IMF a further €200m on May 1 and €763m on May 12. A Greek official told EMU counterparts at a teleconference on Wednesday that the country has run out of money. “There is no way we can go beyond April 9,” the official reportedly said.”

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