Hitzak ari bira…(2)

Hitzak ari bira etengabe, Oraingo honetan Bill Mitchell-ek bi iritzi artikulu aurkezten ditu1.

(i) Alemania gorrotatu behar dugu?

Jacques Sapir-ek honako artkulua idatzi du, frantsesez: – Haïr l’Allemagne?, esanez Greziarekiko Angela Merkel eta Wolfgang Schäuble-k errepikaturiko bekatuek aspaldiko zauriak ireki dituztela.

Giza disastre baten aurrean2 ezin da austeritate gehiago eskatu.

Sapir-ek alemaniarren sufrikarioa3 ere aipatzen du.

(ii) Marxista baten ikuspegia Greziaz, Syrizaz, Varoufakiz eta Grexit-ez

Ikus Syriza Costas Lapavitsas-en Grezia: fase 2 (Greece: Phase Two).

Hona hemen zenbait puntu aipagarri:

a) Lapavitsas is a self-declared Marxist academic economist.

b) … he implicates the current Finance Minister for his past formal association (as adviser) to the Papandreou period, “which was the first government that introduced the bailout policies in Greece”.

c) … he says of the current Finance minister: “I don’t think you can call him a man of the Left in any systematic way”.

Azken negoziazioak direla eta, hona zer dioen: hasieran gobernuak bazeukan agenda sendo bat4, gero barnetik Europa aldatu nahi zuten5 eta azkenean errealitatea deskubritu zuten eta estrategiak porrot egin zuen.

Hona zergatia, Lapavitsas-en ustez:

Because the confines of the monetary union are what they are. They are not susceptible to this kind of argument. It’s a very rigid array of institutions with an embedded ideology and approach to things. The other side wasn’t going to budge just because there was a new left government in a small country.”

Horixe da, hain zuzen ere, Mitchell-ek planteatutako jarrera6.

Eta ondoren Costas Lapavitsas-en ondorioak:

  1. … the Greeks … had high hopes, and they fell into the trap that those institutions had set up for them” which involves a dependency on the Commission and the ECB for cash given they have no currency sovereignty.

Testuinguru horretan,

  1. The Greeks had no options. They could not deal with that. Syriza could not deal with that, because it had accepted the confines of the euro. As long as you accept the confines of the Euro, you’ve got no effective answer. That’s the reason why this in the end took the form that it took.”

Horrek guztiorrek konpromiso pobrera eraman zuen7.

Baina azken otsaileko negozioazioek beste ondorio desberdin bat edukiko zuketen baldin eta gobernua tranpaz jabetuta egon balitz eta bertan ez erortzeko neurriak hartzeko prestatuta egon balitz8.


“… the other side realizes that you’ve got an alternative in your hands and you’re determined to follow it if need be.”


“… if you tell them that you’re not prepared to press the nuclear button, as you say, then obviously you weaken yourself enormously. “

Zein ote da aukera hori?: “… to exit the Eurozone.”

Sapir-ek pentsatzen du ezen,

unless they use that strategy in the next round of negotiations nothing much will change.”

Are gehiago, Sapir-ek,

“… advocates a “negotiated exit…”

Zeina Bill Mitchell-ek bere liburu berrian (Eurozone Dystopia – Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale – Early peek) lehenesten duen.

1 Ikus Friday lay day – Faut-il donc haïr l’Allemagne?: http://bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/?p=30424.

2 Honela aipatzen ditu Mitchell-ek Sapir-en lanetik “25 per cent of Greek children do not have enough to eat. Around 50 per cent of the population no longer can gain medical treatment. The suicide rate has increased by 40 per cent in the last five years. And a whole generation of youth will enter adulthood having never worked and with inadequate education and training. The disaster will span multiple generations.”

3 Mitchell-en aipua: “… More and more Germans are deploring the “mercantilist policy” that the Germans have pursued with the Hartz reforms (Mini-jobs) and the emphasis on supressing domestic demand in favour of expanding exports. He notes that millions of German workers are now poorer as a result. Please read my blog – Germany is not a model for Europe – it fails abroad and at home – ...”

4 Ingelesez: “He said that the Greek government entered the negotiations with a firm agenda – “the lifting of austerity and the writing off of debt” but was constrained because they were also committed to achieving these changes:

firmly within the confines of the monetary union.”

5 “So they planned to change Europe from withinto “transform the monetary union”.”

6 Ingelesez: “Which is the position I have been arguing all along and which is explained in detail in my soon to be published book on the Eurozone – Eurozone Dystopia – Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale – Early peek. The structure of the Eurozone is biased towards austerity and prolonged recession and stagnation.”

7I ngelesez: “Which led to the inevitable “poor compromise.”

8 Ingelesez: “… that the negotiations in February would have had a different result not only if the government had been aware of the trap but had also been prepared to take action to not fall into it.”

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