Syriza lan bermearen alde

DTMkoek (Warren Mosler, Randall Wray, Bill Mitchell, Stephanie Kelton,…) bultzatu dute lan bermeko programa1.

Berri onak Greziatik:

Syrizakoek lan bermeko programa bat martxan jarri nahi dute2. Horretarako, DTM ezagutzen duen pertsona bat (emakume bat, Maddalen!) arduradun gisa dago: Rania Antonopoulos3.

Randall Wray-k dioenez,

…Senior Scholar Rania Antonopoulos is director of the Gender Equality and the Economy program at the Levy Institute, specializing in macro-micro linkages of gender and economics, international competition, and globalization; job guarantee policies and their macroeconomic and employment impacts; social protection and poverty reduction; and the implications of paid and unpaid work on poverty indicators. She was one of the founders of “Economists for Full Employment” and has been a long-time supporter of the job guarantee.”

Bien bitartean Greziako Finantza Ministro Yanis Vaurofakis pellokeriatan dabil, eten gabe. Izan ere, Euskal Herrian berriki argitaratutako elkarrizketetan deus gutxi esan du4, pellokerietatik at.

Warren Mosler-ek ere ez du ulertzen Varoufakis-ek dioena. Izan ere hona hemen Mosler-ek Greziaz5:

Regarding Greece, I have no idea how this translates into actual policy proposals:
Varoufakis said he had assured Dijsselbloem that Athens planned to implement reforms to make the economy more competitive and have balanced budgets but that it would not accept a “self-fed crisis” of deflation and non-viable debt.”

Aurrekontu balantze orekatuak Greziak dauzkan arazoei erantzuteko? Arren!

Wray-k, aldiz, argi dauka afera osoa. Hona zer dioen goian aipaturiko linkean, iruzkin batean, Aegean 1972 izenekoari erantzunez:

Lots of nonsense here. We need a balanced analysis. Germany did not repay its debts from WWI (the reparations were too large–just like Greek debts now). And then Germany murdered tens of millions of people in WWII and has never fully repaid its debts from that war. The US rebuilt Germany–with generous aid. Some say Germany still owes Greece perhaps up to $100 billion from WWII. All of that is from long before the EMU–debts Germany has never repaid. The EMU was designed to punish and impoverish the periphery. And you know nothing about the situation of the USA. Pure nonsense on that. The US federal govt is sovereign. There is no danger in its deficits. Germany is the rich nation. Let it first repay its WWII debts. Then we can start talking about Greek debt repayments or forgiveness or–maybe best–leaving the EMU.”

Noizko lan bermeko programa bat Euskal Herri osorako? Zertan gabiltza?

2 Ikus Randall Wray-k: Jobs for Greeks,

5 Ikus Visa on consumer spending, GDP, Consumer sentiment, Greece update, Personal income, Employment costs:

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    The Workers’ Think Tank

    Lanpostuak behar dira:

    “In the Levy Institute’s April 2014 report, Responding to the Unemployment Challenge: A Job Guarantee Proposal for Greece, Papadimitriou and his colleagues wrote that “to mobilize Greece’s severely underemployed labor potential and confront the social and economic dangers of persistent unemployment, we propose the immediate implementation of a direct public benefit job creation program.” It would cost between 1 and 3 percent of the crippled country’s GDP, they calculated, and would have large magnifier effects on employment and consumer spending. The election results suggest that a large segment of Greece’s electorate, still facing nearly 26 percent unemployment and an economy one-quarter smaller than it was in 2008, want their leaders to push just such an anti-austerity agenda.”

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