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Bai, garaia da.

Garaia da DTM aukera nagusia bilakatzeko!

Zertarakoa eta milenioaren bigarren finantza krisi globala bukatzeko!

Izan ere:

Is It Time for MMT To Become Mainstream to Save Us from the Second Global Financial Crisis of the Millennium?1

Gogora dezagun Washington Post-eko artikulu hura2.

(Euskaraz, ikus Txoriak txori izeneko sarrera3.)

Autore berak Stephanie Kelton-i buruz, Washington-era joan deneko aitzakiaz, beste artikulu eder berri bat4 idatzi du.

Randall Wray-en hitzak: “Azkenean defizit belatzei eta oso makal direnen defizit usoei aurre egingo dien aukera azaldu da.”

Izan ere, Dylan Matthews-ek dionez:

For years, the main disagreement between Democratic and Republican budget negotiators was about how to balance the budget — what to cut, what to tax, how fast to implement it — but not whether to balance it. Even most liberal economists agree that, in the medium-run, it’s better to have less government debt rather than more. Kelton denies that premise. She thinks that, in many cases, government surpluses are actively destructive and balancing the budget is very dangerous. For example, Kelton thinks the Clinton surpluses are nothing to brag about and they actually inflicted economic damage lasting over a decade5.”


Noizko antzeko mugimenduak EHn?

Hemengo defizit belatzei segituko ote diegu kasu egiten?

Ala progre eta mentalki oso ahul direnei, hots, Paul Krugman bezalako autoreak defendatzen eta goraipatzen dituzten defizit usoei men egingo diegu?

Quosque tandem?

(Zabaldu, arren)

5 Ikus The Untold Story Of How Clinton’s Budget Destroyed The American Economy:

Iruzkinak (3)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude