Bihar E eguna gauzatuko da Eskozian, hots, funtsezko eta benetako erabaki eguna. Modu demokratiko batez Europako estatu batean, Britainia Handian, Eskoziarako sezesio aukera bat ikusiko dugu: autodeterminazio politikoa, independentzia helburu. Gaitz erdi!
Hona hemen E egun hori baino lehenago bildu ditudan zenbait berri:
North Sea oil: Facts and figures[1]
My Generation[2]
Scottish independence: World media suggests ‘domino effect'[3]
Daily question: What would happen to EU membership?[4]
Scottish independence: Day of ‘celebration’ not ‘reckoning’ says Salmond[5]
Tony Blair: Independence for Scotland ‘not sensible'[6]
In pictures: Scottish independence referendum campaign[7]
Salmond: ‘Referendum is once in a generation opportunity'[8]
Scottish independence: Crowd protests against ‘BBC bias'[9]
Scotland Should Declare Its Independence From Alex Salmond[10]
What the Scottish papers say[11]
Scottish independence: A tale of two financial centres[12]
Scottish independence: NUJ calls for end to journalist intimidation[13]
‘Merkel dirà a Rajoy que no faci el ximple amb Escòcia'[14]
Scottish independence: EU negotiations under way[15]
Bukatzeko, Syriza-ren hitzak:
RIC Welcome Support of SYRIZA for Yes Vote[16]
Ondoren, amaiera gisa, eman begirada bat ondoko bideoei, Radical Independence Campaigntaldekoek egindakoei, bereziki Cat Boyd-ek parte hartu dituenekoei.
Hona hemen tanta batzuk:
Yes Scotland Meeting Trade Unions for Independence Cat Boyd 16 Sept 2013[17]
Cat Boyd speaking on Independence, the Working Poor and the Unemployed[18]
Motherwell – 3/5 – Cat Boyd – Should Scotland be an Independent Country[19]
Cat Boyd from Radical Independence, speaking at Yes Aberdeen meeting, 28th August 2014[20]
YES Cat Boyd[21]
Cat Boyd[22]
RIC 2013 || Transformation || Cat Boyd[23]
ScotIndyPod 92 – Cat Boyd (made with Spreaker)[24]
Cat Boyd, Radical Independence[25]
Radical Independence Campaign – Cat Boyd[26]
Nahiko, aski.
Orain Eskoziarrek dute hitza eta erabakia.
Blog honetan, behin eta berriz azaldu den moduan oso kritikoa izan naiz, eta banaiz, Eskoziak egin dituen hautu monetarioarekin eta, batez ere, hautu fiskalarekin, biak Britainia Handiaren esku utzirik, … baina, badaezpada ere, esan dezadan, berriz, ‘politikan’ ados nagoela YES delakoarekin, bereziki Radical Independence Campaign taldekoekin.
Hortaz, ozenki, laino guztien azpitik eta sasi guztiek gainetik:
Long live Scotland!
[1] Ikus
[2] Ikus
[3] Ikus
[4] Ikus
[5] Ikus
[6] Ikus
[7] Ikus
[8] Ikus
[9] Ikus
[10] Ikus
[11] Ikus
[12] Ikus
[13] Ikus
[16] Ikus
[17] Ikus
[18] Ikus
[19] Ikus
[20] Ikus
[21] Ikus
[22] Ikus
[23] Ikus
[24] Ikus
[25] Ikus
[26] Ikus
joseba says:
Scottish independence: they love democracy so much they’re trying to subvert it:
joseba says:
Bill Mitchell-ek Eskoziaz:
“Scotland’s big day out
On September 27, 2012, I wrote – Scotland should vote yes in 2014 but only if … (
Then on August 18, 2014, I wrote – I would be voting NO in Scotland but with a lot of anger (
The flip-flop between YES-NO were totally consistent given the qualifications I noted in each blog about the YES case’s failure to articulate the need for their own currency and to avoid talk about joining the Eurozone.
I was also aware that the YES case was being made by those as besotted with flawed neo-liberal economic thinking as those making the NO case.
Today, I hope they all vote YES. I accept that these big political shifts have to be done in stages. They will never get their own currency and be able to set their path to self-managed prosperity if they vote NO.
They may never achieve that with a YES vote but one would hope they would see the light eventually and realise that trying to keep the pound would force their country into a spiral of recession and rising despair.
Perhaps that rising despair would then be the catalyst to go truly independent like Argentina in 2002 after its crisis.
Either way, hanging around with the rest of Britain that is caught in the destructive grip of austerity is no place to be.
And, the dominance of neo-liberal ideas is a finite process – eventually we will jettison that ideology and hopefully a more progressive public will empower governments to get back to creating full employment and strong public services.
So VOTE YES bonny Scotland and be proud to stand free.”
joseba says:
Benny Wenda to observe Scottish independence referendum:
“It is important for the West Papuan people, the Indonesian people and the people of the world to observe Scotland and see how an act of self determination is carried out to international standards….”