Egun batzuk falta dira Eskozian E eguna gauzatzeko…
Sasi guztien gainetik espero dezagun independentziaren aldeko baietza ateratzea… Eskozian, eta Europan, beste eszenatoki berri eta esperantzaz beterikoa hasteko…
Tartean, segi dezagun gure tantatxoekin.
Hasieran, ikus Gure Esku Dago, zer? (6)[1].
Orain dela 25 urte:
i) Vint-i-cinc anys de la Via Bàltica[2]
ii) Henn Karits: ‘La cadena humana al Bàltic va ser el cim en el procés d’independència'[3]
iii) 1990eko hamarkadaren hasierako aukera galduez[4]. Ezagutzen ditugu[5] galdutako aukera horiek, ongi gainera.
iv) Obama lloa la Via Bàltica i la lluita per la independencia[6]
a) Xavier Sala i Martín: ‘Tenim una bala a la recambra. Només una'[7]
b) Estonian Merili Varik records a song supporting Catalonia’s self-determination[8]
c) Scottish independence: Sterlingisation ‘would threaten EU membership'[9]
(Other options identified by a fiscal commission set up by the Scottish government included establishing a separate Scottish currencyor joining the euro[10].
d) The New York Times: Scotland’s Identity, Put to a Vote[11]
Long live Scotland!
(Segituko du)
[1] Ikus
[2] Ikus
[5] Gogoratu honako hau:
[6] Ikus eta
[7] Ikus
[9] Ikus
[10] Ikus
[11] Ikus
joseba says:
Bank Dollars & Sovereign Spending:
“Why do so many people—including the authors of most economics textbooks—believe the U.S. banking system creates the U.S. dollars we earn and spend and pay our taxes with? It’s because the U.S. banking system does, in fact, “issue” the great majority of the dollars we use—by making loans to businesses and citizens which are not backed by “real” dollars the banks have on deposit. What everyone overlooks, however (for reasons not entirely clear) is the fact that these new loan dollars are “made real” by the U.S. government’s solemn promise to convert them at any time, on demand, into actual, “real”, sovereign U.S. dollars. The U.S. government is able to make this promise because, by law, it can issue the necessary actual dollars by fiat (by simply “declaring” the dollars into existence.) A lot of people (again for reasons not entirely clear) don’t like to hear that last part. But it’s simply a fact of life: the cash dollar bills you get from an ATM machine are not printed up (created) by the banks—they are printed (or created electronically as needed) ONLY by the U.S. sovereign government.”