Marx, berriz ere

Marxi buruz blog honetan aritu gara.

Hona hemen sarrera batzuk:

i) Marx hasiberrientzat[1]

ii) Sorry, Marxek arrazoi zuen[2]

iii) M-M’ vs M-C-M’[3]

iv) XIX mendeko Marxengandik XXI mendeko Diru Teoria Modernora[4]

v) Ni ez naiz marxista[5]

Gaurko honetan Ismael Hossein-zadeh-ek Flaws in the Marxian Explanations of the Great Recession[6] lanean dioena ikustera goaz. Gaia Marx da eta Kapital liburuan, hirugarren tomoan  idatzi zuena[7].

Honela dio Hossein-zadeh-ek:

a) Fikziozko kapitalaz eta finantza merkatuez[8] aritu zen Marx

b) Marx-ek jakin zuen irabaziak produkziotik mozkin espekulatiboetara joan zitezkeela[9]

c) Berak bereizi zituen diru kapitala eta kapital erreala, baita inbertsio espekulatiboa eta inbertsio erreala ere, finantza kapitala  merkatuko ekonomietan daukan eragin ez-egonkortzailea aipatuz[10]

d) Jakitun zen finantza kapitala batzuetan heda zitekeela eta hedatzen zela ekonomiaren sektore errealetik kanpo[11]

Hor izan dute marxistek lerro bat gaur egungo kapitalismo mota ikertzeko, baina horretarako itxaron behar izan da Hossein-zadeh bezalako ikerlariari beharrizan hori betetzearren.

Hona, bada, Hossein-zadeh-en bi gehigarri interesgarri, biak 2014koak eta gomendagarriak irakurtzeko:

1) Artikulua: Keynes is dead; long live Marx![12]

2) Liburua: Beyond Mainstream Explanations of the Financial Crisis: Parasitic Finance Capital[13]


[1] Ikus

[2] Ikus

[3] Ikus

[4] Ikus

[5] Ikus

[6]  Ikus

[7]  Ikus Marx, K. 1967. Capital, vol. 3. New York, NY: International Publishers.

[8]  Ingelesez: “A careful reading of his work on “fictitious capital” reveal keen insights into a better understanding of the instabilities of today’s financial markets.”

[9]  Ingelesez: “His work on “money capital and real capital” (1967: 476-519) shows that he did, indeed, envision scenarios where part of the production or real-sector profits (which he called surplus capital, and which is nowadays called “retained earnings”) may permanently abandon or leak out of the production/reproduction circuit in pursuit of speculative gains, that is, for purely financial gains through buying and selling of assets. “

[10]  Ingelesez: “It is true that his discussions of fictitious capital remained brief and fragmented. Nonetheless, what he wrote (in broad outlines) on the distinction between money capital and real capital and between speculative and real investment can be of significant interest in relations to the rise of finance capital and its destabilizing effects on the advanced market economies of our time (Ibid.).”

[11]  Ingelesez: “Marx’s discussion of market scenarios where finance capital can and does sometimes expand outside or independent of the real sector of the economy…”

[12]  Ikus

[13]  Book’s review:

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