DTM-koek politika egiten dute (zenbait iruzkin)

Randall Wray-ri egindako elkarrizketa[1].


Fed Kongresuaren menpe dago. Ez da independentea, soilik gaueko helburu tasa ezartzeko.

Ikus Federal Reserve Bank Governance and Independence during Financial Crisis (2014): http://www.levyinstitute.org/publications/?docid=2059  —>  FEDERAL RESERVE BANK GOVERNANCE AND INDEPENDENCE DURING FINANCIAL CRISIS (2014): http://www.levyinstitute.org/pubs/rpr_4_14.pdf

Oharra: Fed ez da operatiboki independentea Altxor Publikotik.

Urre estandarra:

Urre estandarra erabili zen nazioarteko ordainketetan.

1971ko abuztuaren 15ean desagertu zenean, AEB monetarioki %100etan bilakatu zen subiranoa.

Orain AEBn moneta ez da bihurgarria, flotatu egiten du AEBk kontrolatzen duen truke tasarekin, eta soilik AEBk jaulkitzen du. Are gehiago, dolarra erreserba moneta bilakatu da.


TAXES FOR REVENUE ARE OBSOLETE, Beardsley Ruml, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. January, 1946:


Seven Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy, Warren Mosler:

Warren Mosler-ek Paul Volker-i buruz:

Entzun Mosler-i, 1:27:45ean hasten da, hemen:


Interes tasa handiak ezarri ziten Volcker-ek: “he didn’t know what he was doing.”


DTM-ko gehienek esaten dute defizit handiagoa behar dugula.

Gobernu federalak, monetaren jaulkitzailea izanik, zikloen aurka jardun dezake[2].

Gobernu sektoreak ekonomiari,  gastuen bidez, finantza aktibo berriak gehi diezazkiokeen sektore bakarra da.

Gastu horiek autorizatuta daude politika fiskala dela medio[3].

[2] Ingelesez: “MMT says that since the federal government sector by virtue of it being the monopoly issuer of the currency can act counter-cyclically. Therefore, the government sector can spend into the economy when the private sector is too deeply in debt and stalled. In fact, the government sector is the only sector that can add new financial assets to the economy BY spending.”

[3] Arazo bat: “…the thing that Congress has not known how to do for the people for over a decade because all Congress knows how to do is play foreign policy experts (the Prez’s job constitutionally) so it can get donor dollars from the FIRE and Military-Industrial Complex sub-sectors. In other words, shaft us with its ignorance and negligence. Congressional dereliction of duty.”

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude