Txina eta Errusia: yuana, errubloa eta dolarra

GITE-IPES-eko hitzaldietan[1] esan nuen moduan, dolarra saihesteko helburuarekin, segur aski Txina eta Errusia beren arteko transakzio ekonomikoetan beren monetak hasiko ziren erabiltzen, hau da, yuana eta errubloa.

Hona informazioa, in What Russia-China relations mean for the dollar izeneko lanean[2]:

“…the oil exports would mean Chinese yuan being exchanged directly, into the Russian ruble. Thus the two countries would bypass the U.S. dollar – the traditional currency used in oil trades and considered to be the international reserve currency of choice.”

Are gehiago, Medvedev-ek errubloa bultzatzen du:

“Meanwhile, VTB, Russia’s second biggest bank, has signed a deal with Bank of China that includes an agreement to pay each other in domestic currencies. Added to this, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev spoke on Russian TV over the weekend saying sanctions imposed on the country by the EU and U.S. would make Russia use the ruble for trade and would eventually turn it from a “convertible into a reserve currency.”

With the two developing nations trading outside of the U.S. dollar, many questions are being raised about what this would do for the greenback and for the U.S. The dollar’s status as the global reserve currency has allowed the U.S. to borrow large sums of money, effectively living beyond its means, because there is always a demand for its currency.”

Eta gehiago:

“…China has become the largest holder of U.S. debt. Its authorities hold around $3.8 trillion of reserves, the majority of which is denominated in U.S. dollars. However, they have expressed a desire to diversify away from the greenback, and have already pared back their U.S. Treasury holdings.”

Aldaketa sakonak ari dira gertatzen gure begien aurrean.

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