Zergak, dolarrak eta bitcoinak

Randall Wray-k[1]:

“Nahiko erraza da finantza merkatuetan aritzen direnentzat TDM (taxes drive money[2]) ulertzea, baina ia ezinezkoa ekonomialarientzat…

Uste dut John Shayne-k laburpen ongi samarra egin duela TDMz.”

Hemen Jon Sayne-k[3]:

“Dolarrak eta bitcoinak desberdinak dira. (…) ez ditugu behar bitcoinak zergak ordaintzeko, presondegitik kanpo egoteko (…) … zergak dira dolarraren baliorako funtsezko oinarria…[4]

Eta ondoko elkarrizketa[5]:

“Paul Solman: Hortaz, bitcoinek ez dituzte inoiz gobernu monetak erabat ordezkatuko?

Charles Hoskinson: Ez zara inoiz gai izango zeure zergak bitcoinetan ordaintzeko. (…) … ez dituzte inoiz ordezkatuko moneta subiranoak, zeure zergak zeure moneta subiranoetan ordaindu behar dituzun heinean… eta gobernuek ez dute hori aldatuko gutxi barruko edozein denboratan.”

[2] TDM: dirua zergek gidatzen dute.

[4]  Ingelesez: “To understand the value of the dollar, it is instructive to consider how U.S. dollars are different from bitcoins. We do not need bitcoins to stay out of prison, and U.S. law is unlikely to ever recognize them as legal tender. Granted, bitcoins are elegant and, in their wonky way, beautiful. But many things are beautiful. Bitcoin is not even the only crypto-currency. Few people, in my experience, consider taxes to be the grounding for the dollar’s value. Most people just don’t think about it. However, Paul Solman, the master of the bits on this page, touched on the idea last year in an interview with Boston University finance professor Zvi Bodie…”

[5]  Ikus http://www.pbs.org/newshour/making-sense/the-mathematicians-defense-of/.


“Paul Solman: So this is never going to completely replace government currencies?

Charles Hoskinson: You’re never going to be able to pay your taxes in Bitcoin. Think of Bitcoin as kind of like the money of the Internet, and it’s just another option — like PayPal or credit cards or Starbucks gift cards — to pay for things. But it probably won’t and never will replace sovereign currencies, as long as you have to pay your taxes in your sovereign currency, and I don’t think the government’s going to change that anytime soon.”

Iruzkinak (5)

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