Euskal estatugintzaz bi hitz

Jule Goikotxeak naziogintzaz eta estatugintzaz ikerketa bat egin du[1].


Foru Diputazioak, Kontzertu ekonomikoa eta Kupoa analizatuz, ondoko ondoriotara iritsi da Goikoetxea:


(i)                “…the updated Basque Foral system has led to a new pattern of distributing power and political autonomy; that is, to a differentiated Basque federal democracy, which in turn has shaped a new set of nationalist demands (different from those of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries) that are barely distinguishable from democratic demands to the extent that self-government-related demands refer to the distribution of power and political autonomy.”


(ii)              The development of the updated Basque Foral regime has demonstrated that political and socio-economic equality between individuals can, under some circumstances, be best achieved by ensuring territorial equality and hence territorial-political rights.”


(iii)             …the challenges Spanish and other Western dominant nationalisms face are democratic challenges that may be reassessed not solely by how they accommodate national minorities through recognizing diverse identities, but, above all, by how they build political and socio-economic structures that facilitate social cohesion and at the same time political autonomy and territorial plurality.”


(iv)             “One of the main questions democratic theory and liberal democracies will have to answer is therefore whether in a democratic state the notion of differentiated bodies […] will in reality have any place in this new century where diversity, autonomy and self-determination have become the core elements of democratic demands.”


Goikoetxearen ustez, Euskal Herriari dagokionez,  estatugintzak ordezkatu behar du naziogintza[2].


Galdera: Estatugintzak ordezkatu behar du naziogintza, beraz?


Erantzuna: Bai; bestela, galduta gaude. Nazio honek iraun dezan denboran eta demos bat izan dezan, estatugintza egin behar da. Ezin da jarraitu naziogintzaren diskurtsoarekin XVIII. mendean egongo bagina bezala. ‘Nazio bat izan nahi dugu Europan’, esaten ari da EAJ. Baina Europan ez daude nazioak, estatuak daude! EH Bildu ere diskurtso zaharkituekin ari da. EAEn eta Nafarroan estatu erakundeak dauzkagu; gure ogasuna ere badugu. Erabil dezagun estatugintzaren diskurtsoa eta jar dezagun mahai gainean, erlazionatuz demokraziarekin.


Iruzkinak (1)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude