Nor da nor? Who’s who?

Annie Lowrey kazetariak NYTimes-en honelako artikulua idatzi zuen: Warren Mosler, a Deficit Lover With a Following[1].

Lowrey-ren ustez, Mosler defizit zalea da.

Randall Wray-k aurreko artikuluaz idatzi du: Warren Mosler & MMT: Deficit Lovers?[2]

Wray-k Lowrey-i zuzentzen dio:


i)                 Lehendabizi, Mosler-en bizitzaz eta ekintzaz


ii)                 Gero, frogatuz Mosler ez dela inongo defizit zalea

Izan ere,


a)      “…Yes, Warren designed and built a yacht, and he designed and built great race cars (even if his first model was called one of the fifty worst cars ever–for its unorthodox looks, not for its performance). It is also true that Modern Money Theory has taken off in the blogosphere, where it has picked up tens of thousands of followers. And Warren just completed a whirlwind speaking tour in Italy that attracted hundreds of listeners even in small towns. (Try that, any other American economist!).”

b)      “…Warren and “Deficit Owls” are by no means “deficit lovers”–so Lowrey’s title is misleading. There’s a time for deficits, a time for balanced budgets, and even a time for budget surpluses. It all depends on the other two sectors (reminder: Government Balance + Private Domestic Balance + Foreign Balance = 0). A more accurate title would have been: Warren Mosler: Not Afraid of Deficits.”

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