Maastricht eta hori guztia

Goazen atzera. 1992an gaude. Maastricht-i buruzko eztabaidak…

Hona Wynne Godley-k zioena banku zentralaz eta gobernu zentralaz[1]:

The incredible lacuna in the Maastricht programme is that, while it contains a blueprint for the establishment and modus operandi of an independent central bank, there is no blueprint whatever of the analogue, in Community terms, of a central government.

Baita federazioaz eta aurrekontu federalaz ere:

I also sympathise with those who seek integration under the jurisdiction of some kind of federal constitution with a federal budget very much larger than that of the Community budget. What I find totally baffling is the position of those who are aiming for economic and monetary union without the creation of new political institutions

W. Godley gogoratu dute haren heriotza dela eta.  Hona hil-mezu bat[2]:

“Wynne Godley obituary: Economist with a flair for anticipating and responding to crises.

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude