DTM eta jendearentzako gobernu bat

Hona hemen Michael Merrill-en hirugarren eta azken artikulua.

R. Wray-k dioenez[1]:

This piece is made all the more important as Economic Terrorists in Washington hold our government hostage. These terrorists do not care that government is largely shut down. In their warped view of the world, government does nothing useful. (…) These economic terrorists would love to get rid of most public employees altogether.”

Eta segituan Merrill-en punturik garrantzitsuenak aipatzen ditu:

(i)                Gobernua behar dugu

(ii)              Jendearen gobernu demokratiko bat

(iii)             Jendeak kudeatutako gobernu demokratiko bat

(iv)             Jendearentzako lan egiten duen gobernu demokratiko bat

Ez hori bakarrik, segidan honela dio Wray-k:

(v)              Langileak behar ditugu, interes publikoa zerbitzatzeko

(vi)             Washingtongo ekonomialari terroristek -beren interes pribatu eta berekoiak bilatzen dutenek erositako eta ordaindutako ekonomialariek- egindako kalte osoari aurre egitea behar dugu

(vii)            Bankugintzaren interes harrapariek sektore pribatu eta publikoan, bietan, lanpostuak deuseztatu dituzten heinean, Wall Street-ek egindako kaltea erreparatzeko sektore publikoko langileak behar ditugu

(viii)          Ekonomiaren, gizartean eta ingurugiroaren odola xurgatu duten banpiroak  atzeman nahi dituen gobernua behar dugu

(ix)             Borroka horretan, gure sektore publikoko langileak lehen lerroan daude

Merrill-en hitzak: A GOVERNMENT FOR THE PEOPLE[2]

The theory of modern money summarized above[3] is not just another perspective on the monetary system. It is also another perspective on government.”

Ikus ditzagun gobernuari buruzko DTMkoen ikuspuntuaren inplikazioak, batez ere sektore publikoko langileei eta berauen sindikatuei dagozkien heinean.

(a)    Neoliberalen arabera, gobernua zenbat eta gutxiagokoa izan hobe: “According to the conventional wisdom, government is a burden that ought to be avoided (…) The best government, we are always taught, is the least.

(b)    DTM-k hori guztia alderantziz ikusten du, eta gobernu langileek badute zer esan horretaz: “… government can also be the solution. And it is up to us, as government workers, to eliminate its problems while implementing its solutions.”

(c)    Langileok gobernuaren eginkizunaz jabetu behar dugu: “I have been arguing here that we ought also to support the idea of government doing everything it can to ensure national prosperity.”

(d)    Argi:

Government should do so because it is the right thing to do.  And government can do so because, as modern money theory makes plain, it has the means, the money, to make it happen.”

(e)    Zergatia? Hemen:

It is simply not true that government is forced to spend only the money it receives in taxes or borrows from the moneyed. Government can meet its obligations with money that it has the power to create.”

(f)     Gobernua ez da aberastasun hartzailea, aberastasun egilea baizik, eta produzitzen duen aberastasuna ez da soilik harena: “… government is not a wealth taker. It is a wealth maker. What’s more, the wealth it makes is not just its own.”

(g)    Ekonomia sendoak gobernu sendoa behar du:Without a strong government that works for all, it is not possible to have a strong economy that works for all. They go together.”

(h)    Horretaz ere jabetu behar dugu: We need to take the idea of a duty to promote the general welfare to heart and we need to embrace it as one of the most fundamental duties of a democratic government…”

(i)      Lan egin nahi duenari lanpostu bat segurtatu behar dio gobernuak: “One of the best ways to promote the general (i.e., universal) welfare—the welfare of everyone—is to use all the necessary and proper powers of government to ensure that all those who want to work have a job.”

(j)      Ez edozein lanposturik: “…that everyone who works makes a living wage; that the sick and the aged are cared for, the hungry fed, the naked clothed, the homeless sheltered, and the weak protected.”

(k)    Eta horretarako DTM dugu bidaide: “The modern money system enables the government to spend it needs to spend in order both to ensure that every citizen can enjoy a fully productive and happy life, and also to provide, at an affordable price, all the goods and services that citizens deserve.”

(l)      Zer egin dezakete langile publikoek eta sektore publikoan aritzen diren sindikatuek? : “We do not have to wait for others. We can start with our own understandings and practices.”

(m)  Adi! Baina, geure modeloz birpentsatu behar dugu: “Public sector unionists have borrowed a model of unionism from the private sector that is inappropriate to our situation and its challenges. We can start by re-thinking who we are, what we do, and why we do it.”

(n)    Sektore pribatuko sindikatuak: “Private sector unions are primarily concerned with ensuring an equitable distribution of their enterprise’s revenue among all those who contributed to it. In the pursuit of such equity they often act in ways that enhance the well-being of the whole. But that is not their primary purpose. Their primary purpose is to win equity and fairness for themselves.

(o)    Sektore publikoko sindikatuak:Public sector workers are in a different situation. As trade unionists we too are inspired by the principle that an injury to one is the concern of all.”

(p)    Baina guk badaukagu erantzukizun berezi bat, ez dugu gobernurako lan egiten, jendearentzako lan egiten dugu,gu gobernua gara: “But as public sector workers,we also have a responsibility to the public, “the all,” that goes beyond concern. An injury to the public is the direct responsibility of each and every one of us. Why? Because we don’t work FOR the government. We work for the public and ARE the government.”

(q)    Hortaz, zer egin behar dugu guk? Lehen pausua gobernua ondasunen egilea eta aberastasunaren egilea dela dioen teoria onetsi: “What then is to be done? We—and by “we,” I mean, “we public workers”—need to change the conversation, not only among ourselves but also among the general public. As a first step we can embrace a theory of government that takes its role as both a doer of good and a creator of wealth for granted.”

(r)     Eta besteei adierazi: We know first-hand that it does both, for we participate in the doing of both.  But we don’t do a good enough job of explaining what we do to others.”

(s)     Ikasten segitu behar dugu eta gobernu onaren aldeko oinarrizko mugimendua martxan jarri:We can do better. We need to continue to educate ourselves not only about what the government does but also about what it could do.  And we need to incorporate these lessons into what we do and say.  We need to lead a grassroots movement for good government.”

(t)     We can!,egin ahal dugu: “We need to reject the naysayers who insist that we can’t manage, or can’t afford, such a thing. Yes, we can! And we need to reject the doomsayers who insist that nothing will ever change or get better. Yes, it will!

Pentsatuko ahal dugu horretaz guztiez!

Garrantzi handiko puntuak dira sektore publikoan aritzen diren langileentzat eta sindikatuentzat.

Lot gakizkion eginkizunari, lan eta erantzukizun publikoari.

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