Suspertzea Europar Batasunean?

Hona hemen azken hilabeteetako EBri dagozkion zenbait data.

Dirudienez, esportazioak izan dira atzerapenaren kontrako suspertzearen motorra[1].

Izan ere,

a)      Gross domestic product rose 0.3 percent from the previous three months … the European Union’s statistics office in Luxembourg said today.

b)      The euro-area economy returned to growth in the second quarter after a record-long recession, driven by a rebound in exports from the 17-nation currency bloc.

c)      Exports rose 1.6 percent in the second quarter from the previous three months, while imports increased 1.4 percent, today’s report showed.


Bai, baina…


W. Mosler-ek gogoratzen digunez[2],


Esportazio netoek jasangarriak izateko dibisak[3] erosi behar dira, eta hori ez dute egingo, zio ideologikoak direla kausa[4].


Orduan, zer?


Batzuk Alemaniaren mirakuluaren[5] zain daude.


Baina, Bill Mitchell-ek behin eta berriz dioenez[6], EBn hazkundea sortzeko, gastu publiko gehiago behar da:


The point is that more public spending is required immediately to generate growth in Europe.”

Eta dogma ere aipatzen du:

While the dogma is that a nation that cuts its wages will improve competitiveness is rife, the reality is clearly different.”

Are gehiago, Mitchell-en ustez, ideologia alemaniarraren ergelkeria (sic) alemaniarren aurka itzul daiteke[7]:

History isn’t kind to our view of Germany and the ideology that infests its ruling elite and is, seemingly shared by the population. Once again they are spearheading a political position that not only pushes significant and damaging intervention in the affairs of other neighbouring nations but also is likely to back-fire and damage itself.”

[2] Europe – Remember That Net Exports Are Not Sustainable Without Buying FX:

[4]  Mosler-ek:  Net exports not sustainable without buying fx, which they won’t do for ideological reasons. Instead the currency firms to the point where the trade surplus fades, as has happened repeatedly.”

[6] Ikus Fiscal deficits in Europe help to support growth:

[7]  Ikus The stupidity of the German ideology will come back to haunt them:


Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude