Zipre eta DTMkoak

1. Randall Wray-k Ziprez

Wray Ziprez aritu da[1],  Irlandan gertatu zena gogoratuz[2].

Arazoa, Wray-ren arabera, Ziprez haratago doa[3]:

“…anyone who has deposits in any Euroland bank that is not a German bank is either a philanthropist or a fool.”

2. Bill Mitchell-ek Ziprez

Mitchell ere Ziprez aritu da[4].

‘Greziaz ala Islandiaz’ aritzean, honelako grafikoak aurkezten ditu (ikus linka):



BPG eta Kontu korrontea

Mitchell-ek dioenez, Eurolandian hondamendi bat bultzatzen ari dira euro burokratak[5].

Mitchell-en ustez, Ziprek Greziaren ildoari segituko dio, depresioan sartuz.

Islandia, aldiz, bere moneta subiranoarekin eta truke tasa flotatzailearekin, astiro, baina etengabe hobetuz doa. Horretarako, Islandian lider batzuk egon dira, Europako elite neoliberalei aurre egin diotenak.

3. Prentsan ere Zipre (eta Islandia)

Etengabe aritu da prentsa Ziprez. Bi eredu besterik ez link honetan[6].

Hala ere, prentsan ere Islandiaren eredua azpimarratu dute[7].

[2]  Ingelesez: “Think back to the days before 2008. Ireland was the Eurozone’s preferred bank haven. It issued euro deposits and paid handsome interest rates. Its banks blew up to gargantuan size. When the crisis came, the banks went bust and the deposits flew out.”

[3]Ingelesez: “As I said long ago, anyone who has deposits in any Euroland bank that is not a German bank is either a philanthropist or a fool. And anyone who buys any Euroland government debt except German government debt is a philanthropist or a fool.”

[5]  Ingelesez: “The point is that I think the Euro leadership is severely out of touch with the reality of the situation they are making. What they have now is a disaster, the costs of which will linger for generations to come.”

[7]  Ikus Ez soilik Islandia: “Les pays du nord de l’Europe – Groenland, Islande, Grande-Bretagne, Norvège, Danemark, Suède…– n’ont pas adopté l’euro, à part la Finlande. Aucun de ces pays n’a rejoint l’euro.”

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