Paleolitikotik[1]… Ondorio batzuk atera dira[2]: “Our results clearly support the hypothesis of a partial genetic continuity of contemporary Basques with the preceding Paleolithic/Mesolithic settlers of their homeland.” Halaber, ikus orain dela gutxi argitaratutakoa: “Through detailed DNA analysis of samples from the French and Spanish Basque regions, the Genographic team found that Basques share unique genetic patterns that distinguish them from the surrounding non-Basque populations.” “Our study mirrors European history and could certainly extend to other European peoples. We found that Basques share common genetic features with other European populations, but at the same time present some autochthonous (local) lineages that make them unique.” “It is the ancestral language of the Basque people who inhabit a region spanning northeastern Spain and southwestern France and has long been thought to trace back to the languages spoken in Europe prior to the arrival of the Indo-European languages more than 4,000 years ago. (English, Spanish, French and most other European languages are Indo-European.)” Independentziara. Beste aldetik independentzia eta matematika nahastu dira. Eskoziari (eta EHri) buruzko fantasiazko eredu matematiko batek[3] zenbait bazter astindu ditu. Zilegi bekit kanpoko lekukotasuna ekartzea. Izan ere, BBC-n zenbait iritzi artikulu azaldu dira Eskoziaren egoeraz. Hona aurreko modeloari erantzuten diona[4]: “Eskoziaren etorkizuna ez datza ekuazioetan, haren boto emaileen bihotzetan eta buruetan baizik.” Gauza bertsua dio Gioconda Belli-k, beste testuinguru batean[5]: “…the desired changes have to be laid and spelled out, and the energies that are unleashed should have a clear direction.” Independentziarako norabide hori DMT-k markatzen du. Izan ere, jadanik idatzi nuen bezala, “Euskal Herria: Paleolitikotik independentziara DTM-ren bidez[6].” [1] Ikus Ikus “…the existence of European genetic lines in the Baztan valley going back approximately 15,000 years.” [2] Ikus Halaber, ikus eta [3] Ikus; [5] Ikus “It is however important to recognize that we cannot or should not take our cyber existence as a substitute for the real life we are in. The excitement over our ability to incite large mass demonstrations by activating the chatter and seduction of tweets and facebook pages or groups, does not lead to revolution. A revolution starts maybe with a show of willing hands, but it doesn’t stop there: it needs more. It needs a plan, a strategy, a course of action. It needs to know itself, not only in terms of how much anger or discontent it is able to show out in the streets, but of how much change it can really bring about. If we take out a tyrant -as was the case in Egypt- and have no alternative but to allow the military to take the reins- we have shown we can provoke changes, but we have also shown that we had no plan of action and that the changes, in the long run, have only been cosmetic. It is risky to incite large changes when one lacks long term objectives. This is the lesson of the last year, in my opinion. The enormous success that social media has had in political struggles demonstrates the triumph of a method: but the desired changes have to be laid and spelled out, and the energies that are unleashed should have a clear direction.”