Krisiaren sakontasuna eta zergatiak ezagunak ditugu[1]. AEBetan erreskateak egon dira[2]: AEBetako Fed-ek 29 x 1012 dolar maileguz eman eta gastatu zuen, batez ere AEBetako bankuak erreskatatu nahiz. Ez zuen funtzionatu.
Bankurik handienak oraindik ez-solbenteak dira, eta beren iruzur masiboekin segitu dute, beren ez-solbentziak estaltzen ahaleginduz[3].
R. Wray-ren hitzez[4]:
“…the Goldmans, the Bank of Americas, the Citis, the JPMorgans. They have continued their frauds—securities frauds, foreclosure frauds, accounting frauds—as they paid record bonuses to the top crooks in America. You cannot read a newspaper in America any day without coming across yet another account of the on-going frauds.
Lehengo 29 bilioi dolarrei beste bilioi eta piko dolar gehitu behar zaizkie, Fed-ek EBZ-ri luzaturikoak, hain zuzen ere:
“…The latter was $29 trillion at the time, but because the Fed has recently ramped up its lending to the European Central Bank, that is now well over $30 trillion. It is our argument that if you want a measure of the total Fed effort at rescuing the US financial system, it makes sense to add up the Fed’s lending and spending (to purchase toxic assets, for example) over time. $29 Trillion and counting.”
(Gainera, W. Mosler-ek jadanik salatu zuen bezala[5]: “…Fed-ek atzerritar banku zentralei ziurtzat luzatzen dizkien mailegu-emateak, funtzionalki, ez-seguruak dira.”)
Wray-k dioenez, Crony Capitalism izenekoa erreskatatzeko joera horrek segituko du, ez da geldituko harik eta Wall Street-ek zuzentzen eta gidatzen duen kapitalismo mota horrekin bukatu arte:
“…more precise, that is what it is taking to rescue Crony Capitalism—an America of, by, and for Wall Street. It will take more. Much more. The $29 trillion was only a down-payment. This will not stop—so long as we have Crony Capitalism, the Fed and Treasury will need to keep shoveling dollars into the bottomless pit.”
Hots: an America of, by, and for Wall Street.
30 bilioi eta piko dolarreko zulo hori handituz joango da. Noiz arte?
[2] Ikus
[3] Ikus
[4] Ikus