Nire aitaren etxea defendituko dut (I shall defend the house of my father)

Nire aitaren etxea

defendituko dut.

Otsoen kontra,

sikatearen kontra,

lukurreriaren kontra,

justiziaren kontra,


eginen dut

nire aitaren etxea.

Galduko ditut




galduko ditut




baina nire aitaren etxea defendituko dut.

Harmak kenduko dizkidate,

eta eskuarekin defendituko dut

nire aitaren etxea;

eskuak ebakiko dizkidate,

eta besoarekin defendituko dut

nire aitaren etxea;

besorik gabe,

sorbaldik gabe,

bularrik gabe

utziko naute,

eta arimarekin defendituko dut

nire aitaren etxea.

Ni hilen naiz,

nire arima galduko da,

nire askazia galduko da,

baina nire aitaren etxeak

iraunen du


(Gabriel Aresti)

(Arestiren ahotsean: —> Nire aitaren etxea)

(Eñaut Elorrieta:

(In English:

“MY FATHER’S HOUSE, by (Basque poet) Gabriel Aresti (1963)

I shall defend
The house of my father.
Against wolves,
Against drought,
Against usury,
Against the Justice,
I shall defend
The house
of my father.
I shall lose
and pinewoods;
I shall lose
And dividends,
But I shall defend the house of my father.
They will take away my weapons
And with my hands I shall defend
The house of my father;
They will cut off my hands
And with my arms I shall defend
The house of my father;
They will leave me
Without arms,
Without shoulders,
And without breasts,
And with my soul I shall defend
The house of my father.
I shall die,
My soul will be lost,
My descendence will be lost,
But the house of my father
Will remain

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Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude