Dirua: joko baten markazain bezala

Gogoratu ondoko link hauek:

Warren Mosler: bertsolaritza berria hitz gutxitan

AEB-ko Kongresua: dolarrerako ‘markagailuaren’ arduraduna



@FixtheDebt 1) US spends with… keystrokes 2) Gov debt is our *asset* 3) balanced budgets cause depressions 4) taxes create demand for $

taxes create demand for $


2017 ots. 17




Merkataritza bankuek dirua sortzen dute

Tiffany Hayden @haydentiff2

Banks have the money they need because they create it. Sorry to break the news to you. @InkAndEcon @ProfSteveKeen

The Mainstream is Wrong. Banks Create Money out of Nothing.3

Banks don’t intermediate loans, they originate loans

… banks aren’t doing what economics textbooks say they should do. But those textbooks are profoundly wrong about the actual functioning of banks, and until the economics profession gets its head around this and why it matters, then the economy will be stuck in the Great Malaise…

… The argument that banks merely intermediate between savers and investors leads the mainstream to a manifestly false conclusion: that the level of private debt today is too low, because too little private debt is being created right now. In reality, the level of private debt is way too high, and that’s why so little lending is occurring. (…)”

2017 ots. 14

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Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude