Tratu ederra!

Gennaro Zezza@GennaroZezza1

What a deal! The EZ will reduce Greek debt by 20% by 2060 (!) if Greece keeps with austerity another 10 years


Albistea: Euro zone grants Greece short-term debt relief; no deal with IMF2

Euro zone finance ministers agreed on Monday some debt relief for Greece…

The 19 ministers of the currency bloc gathered in Brussels to discuss how far Greece has advanced with reforms needed for the release of the next tranches of loans in the up-to 86 billion euros ($92 billion) rescue program.

… Ministers agreed to grant Greece short-term debt relief measures, to be applied before 2018, that could reduce the country’s debt to gross domestic product ratio by around 20 percentage points in 2060.”


2016 abe. 6

Hau dunk hau! 

Urkullu jaunaren Paradisua at its best!

Gogoratu Mandangaz eta abarrez

Aldiz, Europako estatu independente batean, kasu Islandian, Norvegian, Suitzan… edo Munduko edozein estatutan, ondokoa gertatzen da: Dirua eta zor nazionala

a) Dirua beti beste baten pasiboa da

b) Dirua teklatuaren bidez sortzen da

c) Beti ordain dezakegu geure zor nazionala (moneta jaulkitzaileak baldin bagara)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude