Zipriztin ekonomikoak (18)

(i) EUROPA: 19 abiadura


Ieri Europa a 2 velocità, oggi siamo già a 3 velocità. Vediamo quando arriveranno all’Europa a 19 velocità

2016 ira. 16


(a) Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva2

Pavlina R Tcherneva(e)k Bertxiotua GrkStav

In addition, BIG threatens the provisioning of the public sector, the value of the currency, and macro stability

Pavlina R Tcherneva(e)k gehitu du,

GrkStav @GrkStav

“I consider basic income proposals 2 represent a surrender 2 the neoliberal forces–an acceptance of the inevitability of mass unemployment.”

2016 ira. 16

(b) Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva3

Pavlina R Tcherneva(e)k Bertxiotua Geoff Coventry

The #JG secures a basic human right via anti-inflationary countercycl fiscal policy that’s superior to any past ones

Pavlina R Tcherneva(e)k gehitu du,

Geoff Coventry @gladkiwi

Breaking the link between fiscal policy and full employment has a direct impact on human lives. …

(Note to Congress: Full Employment is Your Job and Currency is Your Tool:

2016 ira. 16

(iii) ENPLEGU OSORAKO proposamenak, AEB-ko kongresuan egondako eztabaidak

H.R. 1000: The Humphrey-Hawkins 21st C,entury Full-Employment and Training Act4


The Finish Schooling System: “Finnish First” excerpt5

Bideoa: Dan Rather Reports, “Finnish First” excerpt6

(v) DTM

PK Conference 2016@umkcecon7

LIVE on #Periscope: #BillMitchellKeynote #pk2016

Bill Mitchell: What’s new about MMT8

2016 ira. 16  


Paul Quigley@quigleyp9

2016 ira. 17


Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude