Zipriztin ekonomikoak (3)

(i) Irlanda eta bail-in1

Will Ireland Be First Country In World To See Bail-in Regime?

(ii) Warren Mosler: zenbait twitter

Warren B. Mosler@wbmosler

@elliswinningham @TheKlop Deficit spending eases that restriction on net savings, allowing more spending and employment

2016 abu. 6

Jim Rickards@JamesGRickards abu. 6

@StephanieKelton @BamaTrader @wbmosler @grafox709 Problem with MMT, no matter how much they spend & fail, they just say “spend more.”

Warren B. Mosler@wbmosler

@JamesGRickards @StephanieKelton @BamaTrader @grafox709 0 spending = 0 gdp

2016 abu. 6

Jim Rickards@JamesGRickards

@StephanieKelton @BamaTrader @TheStalwart @wbmosler @grafox709 Good starting place though. Six more years of deficits, still no solid growth

Warren B. Mosler@wbmosler

@JamesGRickards @StephanieKelton @BamaTrader @TheStalwart @grafox709 The public debt is a large component of the ‘money supply’, that’s all

2016 abu. 6

Warren B. Mosler@wbmosler abu. 6 Buzzards Bay, MA

@JamesGRickards @StephanieKelton @BamaTrader @TheStalwart @grafox709 We remain grossly over taxed for the size of the gov we have.

Jim Rickards@JamesGRickards abu. 6

.@wbmosler @StephanieKelton @BamaTrader @TheStalwart @grafox709 No debate there. You’re certainly correct.

Matthew B@boes_ abu. 11

“A nominal fed funds rate of around 3 percent is probably the best estimate of a normal interest rate”—John Williams

Warren B. Mosler@wbmosler

@boes_ Maybe 3% for a fixed exchange rate regime. With floating exchange rate policy the ‘natural’ policy rate’ is always exactly 0%.

2016 abu. 11

Ben Johannson@BenJohannson abu. 11

@wbmosler @boes_ Don’t think they know the difference between floating and fixed. Like Michael Bay with concepts of plot and special effects

Angel Ubide@AngelUbide

A fiscal stimulus is right policy for Italy. No Euro Area fiscal policy means countries should do it themselves. 

2016 abu. 11

Warren B. Mosler@wbmosler abu. 11

@AngelUbide As we discussed 7 years ago? Rate and qe policy doesn’t increase demand. The EU needs to relax the deficit limit to 8% asap.

(iii) Lur planeta laua da

Alberto Bagnai@AlbertoBagnai2

Alberto Bagnai(e)k Bertxiotua Advisory Desk

Earth is flat.

Alberto Bagnai(e)k gehitu du,

Advisory Desk@advdesk3


(iv) Joseph Stiglitz

A split euro is the solution for Europe’s single currency4

Put simply, the euro was flawed at birth.”

(v) Austeritatea

Joerg Bibow@JoergBibow5

Joerg Bibow(e)k Bertxiotua Adam Tooze

austerity, the modern reign of stupidity in high office, promoting the impoverishment of nations

Joerg Bibow(e)k gehitu du,

Adam Tooze @adam_tooze

Austerity bites: decline in developed world infrastructure spend by public sector:


2016 abu. 17

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude