Irakaskuntzaz haratago

(i) Should everyone go to college?:

(ii) Zientzia:

World Economic Forum @wef1

There’s a research revolution going on in #China – and one day it could save your life 

2016 abu. 4

(iii) ‘The soul of women and life of the poor’: Five women explain why MNREGA works for them2

Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva3

The soul of women and life of the poor: Five women explain why MNREGA works for them … #jobguarantee #directemployment

2016 ots. 22

(iv) DTM-ko ikasleak:

Stability is Destabilizing

Why is austerity still being prescribed?

A Sinking Ship

Carbon Trading, Sustainable Development and Financial Fragility

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Trade Deals and Income Inequality

State of the Unions in the US Economy

(v) Tartean…:

Ann Pettifor: Economic change will not happen until the left understands money4

(vi) Segidan:

Hitzontzikeriak, errezetak eta erremedioak

1 Ikus

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude