Aldaketa ekonomikoa ez da gertatuko…

… harik eta ezkerrak dirua ulertu arte (Ann Pettifor).

(1) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: 

We are all Keynesians now, so let’s get fiscal

(2) Sapir:  L’euro e la crisi politica


(4) Bill Mitchell:

Reforming the international institutional framework – Part 1

Reforming the international institutional framework – Part 2


Ingalaterrako Bankuak interes tasak jaitsi ditu, ‘brexit’-aren ondorioei aurre egiteko

Hobe hasiko balira ama birjinari errezatzen!

Neurri ezagunak egoera ezezagun baterako

Beraz, agian aita sainduari ere errezatu behar!

(6) Job Guarantee:

The Job Guarantee: The Coolest Economic Policy You’ve Never Heard Of

Neil Wilson@neilwilson1

We … guarantee a decent job for all” Corbyn has committed Labour to a Job Guarantee. Let’s show him how to build one. #10pledges #MMT

2016 abu. 4

David Merrill@DavidMerrill212

David Merrill(e)k Bertxiotua troovus

Some economists, e.g. @ptcherneva, say the best way to achieve growth with macro stability is with a job guarantee.

David Merrill(e)k gehitu du,

troovus @troovus

£375bn given to the banks in QE but cash handouts to households are the best way to boost growth, say economists …

2016 abu. 4

Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva3

Great to hear that @jeremycorbyn pledges a job guarantee. I explain what it is here:  #jobguarantee #decentworkforall

2016 abu. 4


@ptcherneva @jeremycorbyn @Vimeo without you it wouldn’t have happened. Thank you so much

Geoff Coventry@gladkiwi

@ptcherneva @jeremycorbyn Great step forward!

(7) Defizita:

Nathan Becker@netbacker4

@MetroidThief Yes! “Either you or the federal government must be in deficit, pick one.@StephanieKelton

2016 abu. 1

Andrea Terzi@ndrea_terzi5

The views of economists about the deficit are shifting” “Deficits aren’t good or bad in and of themselves”

Clinton? Trump? Either Way, Count on Deficit Spending to Rise

2016 abu. 4

1 Ikus

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude