Krisia: galdera zuzena

Hamaika biderrez hainbat hitzalditan egindako galdera.

Ongi, 2007an hasi zen krisi globala. Ados, jende oso gutxik antzeman zuen krisi etorriko zela, sorry, ekarriko zutela, nahita….

Baina, noiz bukatuko da krisia?

Nire erantzuna, behin eta berriz emandakoa:

Krisi hau ez da ohikoa. Krisia nahita sortu dutelako. Hortaz, krisi horren erroak, zer dela eta eta nola sortu zuten jakin behar da lehendabizi, nahitaez.

Gero erro horien aurka, zuzenean egin behar da. Krisia Wall Street-eko banku erraldoiek sortu bazuten, eta halaxe da!, orduan bankugintza modernoaz jabetu behar da.

Horretarako, eskura daukagun teoriarik hoberena erabili behar da, alegia, Diru Teoria Modernoa (DTM).

Horrez gain, job guarantee, hots, lan bermea zer den ezagutu behar da, baita nola aplikatzen den ere.

Ez dago beste biderik!

Hona hemen bi gehigarri on:

(i) Ann Pettifor: Economic change will not happen until the left understands money1


a) The global financial crisis never ended. It is ongoing in the Eurozone and now has as its epicenter in China and other emerging markets, including Brazil and South Africa.

b) The fact is that as western economies try to recover, they are sunk again by a mountain of private debt whose repayment is made less likely by austerity policies.

c) … the Left really must get its act together and develop a sound understanding of the nature of money and credit, and of the operations of the private finance sector. Above all, civil society must wake up to the threat that deflation poses to millions of people with debts whose value rises inexorably, even while their real incomes are falling.

d) So a major priority for progressive forces is to correctly analyse economic forces, and to develop sound alternatives to the current system. There can be no point to ‘reframing the debate’ or ‘developing a common agenda’ on the basis of flawed analyses. That way lies Bedlam.

e) Fully a decade after the global financial crisis erupted, there are still sections of the Left that support ‘balanced government budgets’ at all times including during private sector slumps. There are some that support borrowing for investment, but oppose borrowing for current government spending on essential services (the NHS, education etc.) – including during crises. These people are doing the work of the Right.

f) Developing a sound analysis of the causes of the financial crisis, and of solutions to the crisis, is essential to attracting widespread public support for a transformation of the economy.

g) That is the work that must be done before progressive forces can gain credibility with the public – who are not slow to grasp the difference between a case that is ‘true’, and one whose arguments and analyses are flawed. It is hard work, but it must be done if widespread public support is to be mobilized.

(ii) Mitchell-en hitzaldia, bihar

The demise of the Left and towards a Progressive Left Manifesto

Badago Facebook Page bat emankizun horretarako.

Arituko gara hitzaldi horretaz blog honetan…

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude