Gordailu asegurua eurogunean


(a) Deposit insurance1

Euroguneko marko berria ulertzeko urratsak:

(b) EBZ-k hartu nahi duen neurria: EBZ eta Alemania

(c) Gerla hasi da2

Izan ere, “Bundesbank chief puts question mark over European shield for savers.3

Beraz, alde batetik daukagu euroguneko herrialdez herrialdeko (hobe esanda, estatuz estatuko) nahaste-borrastea (patchwork), eta bestetik, Mosler-ek dioenez, krisiaren aurka azken 20 (hogei!) urteetan ekonomialari batzuek, oso jende gutxik, proposatutako erremedioa, alegia EBZ-k irtenbidea bere esku hartzea, hots, EBZ-k dauzkan erremintak erabiltzea, kasu, eurogunean gordailu komunekoa martxan jartzea.

Interesgarria benetan gure begien aurrean gertatzen ari dena!

1 Ikus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deposit_insurance: Explicit deposit insurance is a measure implemented in many countries to protect bank depositors, in full or in part, from losses caused by a bank’s inability to pay its debts when due. Deposit insurance systems are one component of a financial system safety net that promotes financial stability.”

2 Ikus ECB pushes for saver protection, clashes with Germany over proposed scheme: http://www.theguildng.com/2014/business/ecb-pushes-for-saver-protection-clashes-with-germany-over-proposed-scheme/.

3 Ikus http://www.brecorder.com/business-a-finance/banking-a-finance/292639-bundesbank-chief-puts-question-mark-over-european-shield-for-savers.html: “The head of Germany’s Bundesbank has signalled that Germany won’t back a common deposit guarantee scheme for euro zone savers, saying that banks’ risks are still too entangled with their home countries. (…) Earlier in the week, the ECB had appealed for the introduction of common deposit protection. This would eventually replace the current country-by-country patchwork and help stop a repeat of the bank runs seen during the financial crisis.”

Utzi erantzuna

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