Ludwig von Mises eta xelebre monetarioak

There are men who are commonly stigmatized as monetary cranks. The monetary crank suggests a method for making everybody prosperous by monetary measures. His plans are illusory. However, they are the consistent application of a monetary ideology entirely approved by contemporary public opinion and espoused by the policies of almost all governments.

The objections raised against these ideological errors by the economists are not taken into account by the governments, political parties, and the press.

It is generally believed by those unfamiliar with economic theory that credit expansion and an increase in the quantity of money in circulation are efficacious means for lowering the rate of interest permanently below the height it would attain on a non-manipulated capital and loan market. This theory is utterly illusory. But it guides the monetary and credit policy of almost every contemporary government.”

(Ludwig von Mises)

Caveat despistatuentzat: politika monetarioak ez dauka zerikusirik politika fiskalarekin.

Oraingo krisiarekin bukatzeko, gogoratu Warren Mosler-en legea:

There is no financial crisis so deep that a sufficiently large fiscal adjustment cannot deal with it


(a) Mario Draghi horrelako xelebrea ote da?


(b) Non daude politikariak xelebre hori salatzeko?

(c) Non daude xelebre horren xelebrekerien aurkako ekonomialariak?

(d) Non daude xelebre horren xelebrekeriak kritikatzen dituzten kazetariak?

Baiezkoan zein ezezkoan,

Zertan ari dira Euskal Herriko politikariak, ekonomialarik, kazetariak?

Xelebreak ote dira beraiek ere?


Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude