Islandia: zenbait irakaspen sendo

Progreen hitzetan, Islandiaren bilakaera desastre hutsa izan da…

Desinformazioaren aurka, hona hemen bi albiste adierazgarri1:

(a) Lehendabizi bankariak presondegira bidali zituzten2.

(b) Orain islandiar bakoitzak 30.000 koroa jasoko ditu, Islandiako gobernuak bankuen jabegoa hartu ondoren3.


(c) Islandia da Europako herrialde bakarra “to recover fully from the 2008 crisis.

(d) Islandiak NMF-ri zorra ordaindu dio4.


Iceland recently jailed its 26th banker — with 74 years of prison time amongst them — for causing the financial chaos. Meanwhile, U.S. banking criminals were rewarded for their fraud and market manipulation with an enormous bailout at the taxpayer’s expense.”

Progreak boterean egongo balira, proposatuko al lituzkete Islandian harturiko neurriak, antzeko desastrea (sic) martxan jartzearren?

DMT-kook, progresia eta ez jakintasun mota guztietatik at, Bill Mitchell-ek proposaturiko irtenbide dotorea praktikan jartzen ahaleginduko ginateke5.

Desberdintasuna erabatekoa da. Jakin ala ez jakin: that’s the question!

1 Ikus Unlike the EU and US, Iceland not only jailed their bankers, but will now pay citizens cash after govt takes over bank: “will-now-pay-citizens-cash-after-govt-takes-over-bank/.

2 Ingelesez: “First, Iceland jailed its crooked bankers for their direct involvement in the financial crisis of 2008. Now, every Icelander will receive a payout for the sale of one of its three largest banks, Íslandsbanki.”

3 Ingelesez: “If Finance Minister Bjarni Benediktsson has his way — and he likely will — Icelanders will be paid kr 30,000 after the government takes over ownership of the bank. Íslandsbanki would be second of the three largest banks under State proprietorship.” Ikus

4 Ingelesez: “Iceland even managed to pay its outstanding debt to the IMF in full —in advance of the due date.”

5 Ikus Iceland’s Sovereign Money Proposal – Part 1: eta Iceland’s Sovereign Money Proposal – Part 2:

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