Grexit ala kapitulazioa?

Lotsagarria da gertatzen ari dena zenbait berripaperetan eta aldizkaritan. Syriza ezkertiarra da, definizioz noski. Greziako Yanis Varoufakis finantza ministroa apartekoa da, oso ona, definizioz noski (marxista omen gainera).

Berdin die zer esaten dute ekonomialari kritikoek, baita Varoufakis-en lagunen batek edo bestek ere. Datuak hor daude, berdin die.

Eta zer esaten dute Greziarrek berek?

Behean ikusiko dugu kritikoa den greziar batek, Syriza-ko politikaria den Stathis Kouvelakis-ek dioena. Berdin die.

Hala ere, irakurle kritikoek bestelako jarrera bat merezi dute, informazio desberdina. Greziako etengabeko fartsa lotsagarritik1 at egon daitekeen jarrera, alegia.

Hasteko, beraz, goazen Bill Mitchell-ekin. Berak dioenez, Greziak bi aukera dauzka besterik ez: Grexit ala kapitulazioa. (Friday lay day – The Troika is the enemy and its either exit or capitulation2)

Mitchell-i irakurri diogunez,

i) Greziako gobernuak 459 milioi euro ordaindu dizkio NMF-ri3

ii) Nola ordaindu daiteke porrot hori? Langabezia gehiago eta pobrezia handiagoa sortuz…

iii) Lasaitasuna? Zertarako? Troika lasaitzeko…

iv) James Galbraith-en apologiak dioenez, Syriza hauxe da: The Real Thing: An Anti-austerity European Government. Benetan barregarria…

v) Syriza atrapatuta dauka indar ez-demokratiko batek, zeinak ez baitu pentsatzen austeritatea bere agendatik kentzea, inondik inora.

vi) Konparatu James Galbraith-ek dioena Sthakis Kouvelakis-ek aipatzen duenarekin (Dangerous Days Ahead delakoarekin).


vii) Europako ezkerra, “… is enchanted with this ideal of ‘Europe’ as an expression of sophistication and unity.”… “It is a pipe dream.”

viii) Baina, “ ..there will never be a functional and effective European economy with one fiscal authority and one sympathetic monetary authority.”

Mitchell-ek dioenez,

a) Syrizak eurogunean egoten segitu nahi du, Europako ezkerraren idealismoan sartuta dagoelako4.

b) Mehatxu handian oinarritzen da jarrera hori. Greziako jendeak uste du eurogunean segitzea ona dela5.

c) Syrizak gauza bera sinesten du. Alemaniak ez du nahi Grezia eurogunetik irtetea6, Grezia irtetean hobeto egongo delako, eta eurogunean segitzen duten herrialdeekiko etsenplu txarra izango delako.

d) Syrizak mantentzen du ez daukala negoziatzeko boterea, irtete horretan.

e) Beraz, “In Moscow, its Prime Minister reiterated that: The goal of the government is for Greece to remain in the euro7.”

Fartsak aurrera darrai8, Galbraith-ek Troikak ‘rol legitimoa’ duela dioen bitartean9

The IMF is unelected by the Greek people. The ECB is unelected by the Greek people. The EU is a distant bureaucrasy. None are accountable to the Greek people.”

Beste alde batetik, Sirizako Stathis Kouvelakis-ek Greziako egoeraz oso iritzi interesgarriak plazaratu ditu10.

(Halaber, ikus jadanik plazaraturiko Sirizaren denbora bukatuz doa11)

Kouvelakis-ek Syrizaren eta Troikaren arteko azken negoziazioak honela deskribatzen ditu, ‘etsaiak’ hitza aipatuz:

“… the Greek government really had its back up against the wall in its discussions with its so-called European partners. (I could hardly think of a less appropriate term, given that they are in fact its enemies, resolute enemies who are extremely determined to defeat it.)”

Eurogunean austeritatearekin bukatzeko, honela dio Kouvelakis-ek demokraziari dagokionez:

Now we can say that we’ve seen the limits of this strategy. We’ve seen that these European institutions are not receptive to this kind of political or democratic argument, which says “we’re an elected government with a mandate to carry out, and you’re our central bank, and we can expect you to do your work and let us do what we were elected to do”.”

Troikaren rol legitimoaz dela eta, argi dauka Troika berriz hortxe dagoela, politika neoliberalekin12.

Kouvelakis-en esperantza:

… “the confrontation isn’t over yet” and Syriza has to “put an alternative approach in place in order to avoid a repeat of what was decided in February.”

Mitchell-ek bukatzen du bere artikulua 1981eko maiatzean François Miterrand-en garaipena gogoratuz13 eta zein testuingurutan gertatu zen14. Zer nolako programa aurkeztu zuen15. Baita Miterrand-en geroko neoliberalismoaren bilakaera ere16.

Denbora hartako egoera eta gaurko Syrizaren egoera parekatuz17, honela diosku ekonomialari australiarrak:

While noting differences between the origins of Syriza and Mitterand’s PS (Socialist Party), Stathis Kouvelakis observed that both governments were caught in the ‘European’ dilemma.”

Miterrand-en aspaldiko dilema18 eta Syrizaren gaurko dilema19 antzekoak dira.

Kouvelakis-ek dioenez,

Either it takes a path of rupture with the European framework … or else it will have to give in, which would be a very heavy defeat with potentially disastrous consequences. Not only for Greece, but also for the whole political struggle going on in Europe at the present moment.”

Eurogunean segitzeak ‘austeritate neoliberalarekin’ segitzea esan nahi du. Syrizaren existentziaren beraren ukapena, James Galbraith-ek ulertzen ez duena.

Kouvelakis-en hitzekin:

If the enemy — and it is an enemy — knows in advance that there is a line that you won’t cross, he’ll naturally focus all his pressure exactly there. And that’s exactly what’s happened, and will continue up to the point of besieging Greece and forcing its capitulation.20

Hortaz, Mitchell-ek argi dauka:

i) Greziako lehen ministroa Europako eliteen esku dago jolasten, berak eurogunean segitu nahi duela aipatzen duenean.

ii) Aipatutako negoziaketa fitxa hori barik, Siriza zapalduta egongo da. “I agree with Stathis Kouvelakis “there is no middle course between rupture and capitulation.”

iii) Troikaren beldurra hauxe da: “… with rupture Greece would succeed.

iv) Eta hain zuzen ere horixe da puntua: “That is the point. The elites are scared of rupture, which gives Syriza a powerful weapon – one that it seemingly will not use, yet.”21

Grexit ala kapitulazioa? To be or not to be, that’s the question.


1 Hona hemen fartsa horren zenbait etsenplu: Tsipras Heads To Moscow As IMF Withdraws Athens Staff; Greek Default Risk Hits Post-Crisis High ( Germany Generously Offers To Freeze The Bank Accounts Of Wealthy Greeks: Cypriot President Throws Greeks Under The Bus: “Planning To Deal With Grexit”: Cyprus has drafted plan to deal with fallout of Grexit, Anastasiades says: April is a make or break month for the future of Greece. Will the May 1st bank holiday be the day deposits are raided by the EU?: Greek Minister Slams Troika’s “Unbelievable Prejudice” As EU Proclaims Tsipras’ Government “Cannot Survive”: . Greece Calculates Germany Owes It A Third Of Its GDP In WWII Reparations: Valuing (Greek) Banks: A Sum-Of-The-Parts Approach: The Greek Counter-Ultimatum To Europe: “We Cannot Keep ISIS Out If You Keep Bullying Us”: Germany Slams “Stupid” Greek Demands For “Incomprehensible” €278 Billion In Reparations: European Parliament President warns Greece not act like a sovereign state when visiting Moscow…or else: Putin And Tsipras Are Meeting: Here Are The Main Highlights: “Odious Debt” Has Finally Arrived: Greece To Write Off “Illegal” Debt: IMF Payment Sends Greek Yields Lower; Athens Warns “Next Month Is A Different Matter”:

3 Ikus Brief relief for markets as Greece repays €450m loan to IMF:

4 Ingelesez: My interpretation of Syriza’s burning ambition to remain in the Euro is that it is caught up in the left idealism about Europe. Galbraith’s words seem to echo this starry-eyed idealism.”

5 Ingelesez: “… it rests on the big threat – go along with us or leave the Eurozone. The people of Greece have been duped into believing remaining in the Eurozone is good for them.”

6 Ingelesez: And so Syriza goes along with that, independent of whether they as a party believe that (although I think they do believe it!). Yet the Germans and others do not want Greece out because then Italy and Spain would see Greece prospering and the austerity myth would explode within the European borders.

7 Ikus bigarren oharra.

8 Ingelesez: “If the Greeks said they were out if the debts weren’t cancelled then things would be quite different. Calling what is happening a victory for democracy is rather far fetched. Yes, the EU has not invaded Greek in protest against the election of a ‘left-wing’ government that would be repugnant to the elites of Europe. But, Syriza was going to reject the debt, ban the Troika agents from visiting, stop privatisations, and restore growth through spending initiatives. None of which has transpired.”

9 Ingelesez: “Galbraith defends the Troika as having “a legitimate role”. How is the Troika a legitimate role in a democracy?

12 Ingelesez: These institutions are there in order to lock in extremely harsh neoliberal policies, to lock in the troika supervision of entire countries. And that’s exactly what they’ve set out to do, forcing the Greek government into making retreats — very serious retreats — in the February 20 agreement. And indeed the troika has made its reappearance, renamed as “the institutions,” and at this very moment the teams of troika experts are in Athens scrutinizing Greece’s accounts.

13 Ingelesez: “François Mitterrand in May 1981 as a sort of popular Socialist left hero celebrated by “tens of thousands of people …[taking] … to the streets”.

14 Ingelesez: “The French were sick of the austerity of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and Raymond Barre. Mitterand was the first left-wing leader elected under universal suffrage in France.”

15 Ingelesez: Miterrand-en “100 Propositions for France – today read like a Syriza wish list. Nationalisation, raising the minimum wage, a shorter working week, more holiday, a tax on wealth, increased income support payments, enhanced workers’ rights within the workplace, boosts to public housing and health care, and more.”

16 Ingelesez: “Then the so-called “tournant de rigueur” (the austerity turn) – the famous U-turn came as Monetarist ideas from the US academy infested policy making and elevated inflation as the principle problem and allowed unemployment to be used as a policy tool to suppress inflation.

From 1983, Mitterand was an austerity-ridden Monetarist government with little semblance of its left-wing beginnings.”

17 Ingelesez: Miterrand-en “100 Propositions for France – today read like a Syriza wish list. Nationalisation, raising the minimum wage, a shorter working week, more holiday, a tax on wealth, increased income support payments, enhanced workers’ rights within the workplace, boosts to public housing and health care, and more.”

18 Ingelesez: “For Mitterand it was whether to exit the European Monetary System, which would have given his government the ‘Keynesian’ scope to fulfull its ‘100 Propositions’. The alternative was to remain in the EMS, “within the European framework and make a neoliberal turn”.

19 Ingelesez: “In this respect, Syriza is similarly trapped. He [Kouvelakis]said:

Either it takes a path of rupture with the European framework … or else it will have to give in, which would be a very heavy defeat with potentially disastrous consequences. Not only for Greece, but also for the whole political struggle going on in Europe at the present moment.”

20 Honela segituz: “For Europe’s political elites and the economic interests they represent, it’s vital not only to force Syriza into a retreat, but to humiliate it politically. Such a political humiliation would also be a shot across the bows of Podemos and all the social and political forces in Europe that challenge austerity policies: “See what happened to the Greeks? That’s what’s in store for you if you try and do the same.”

21 Honela segituz, ingelesez: But there is nothing, to use Galbraith’s words, “legitimate” going on at present.”

Iruzkinak (3)

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