DTM desmitifikatuz

Sorry, ingelesez dago 2015eko lehen sarrera, urtea ongi hasteko…

DTMz jakin nahi (eta behar!) duzun guztia orrialde batean eta 22’43”ko elkarrizketa batean.

Nahiko eta sobera, hasteko.

Bill Mitchell: Demystifying Modern Monetary Theory1

All sorts of policy implications flow from these insights. Of particular importance to Mitchell, a leading labor economist, is that governments face no FINANCIAL constraint in regard to supporting policies that generate full employment (MMT also cuts the fictionalized Gordian knot that alleges there is a trade-off between unemployment and inflation via the “Phillips Curve”).  True, we might well face REAL RESOURCE constraints, but Mitchell argues that this is the constraint that should govern policy-making decisions, as opposed to some fictionalized financial constraint.”

Mitchell-i egindako elkarrizketa2.

CSEPI – Intervista al Prof. W.F. Mitchell

Enjoy them!



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Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude