EBZ: noiz ikasiko dute? (2)


Ikasten laguntzeko urrats batzuk…


i) Warren Mosler-ek bankugintzaz[2]

Eta lan hau zehazki[3]. Izan ere, noizean behin irakur link horietan dagoena, ezjakintasun eta txorakeria guztien aurkako antidoto gisa.


ii) Mosler-en azken lana[4], Fed-ez.

iii) Eta aspaldian egindako lana, Diruaren Zirkuitu Teoria eta Diru Teoria Modernoaren arteko zenbait berdintasun eta desberdintasun aipatuz[5].

iv) Bill Mitchell ere aritu da bankugintzaz eta EBZ-z[6].

Tartean, Mario Draghi reciting the liberal playbook[7]…: “Mario Draghi continues to insist that the eurozone needed austerity, though he admits it has been quite harmful.”

v) Randall Wray ere Fed-ez eta Altxor Publikoaz aritu da. Soilik haren azken tantatxoak segituan.

Izatez, beste lan interesgarri bat azaldu da bankugintzaz eta gastu subiranoaz. Hona kemen linka[8].

Eta hemen Wray-ek, iruzkinetan, dioena[9].


[1]  Ikus https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2014/09/05/ebz-noiz-ikasiko-dute/.

[2] Ikus http://www.huffingtonpost.com/warren-mosler/proposals-for-the-banking_b_432105.html

eta http://moslereconomics.com/wp-content/pdfs/Proposals.pdf



[3]  Ikus https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2012/11/04/warren-mosler-ek-bankugintzaz/.

[4]  Ikus http://moslereconomics.com/2014/08/28/comments-on-professor-john-cochranes-a-few-things-the-fed-has-done-right/.

[5]  Ikus http://www.google.es/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moslereconomics.com%2Fwp-content%2Fpowerpoints%2FMMT.pptx&ei=KfkJVIa_IIPoaJDkghg&usg=AFQjCNGb9_yEwyF27Vrv3iN2VwOAryEZ4g&sig2=y4pYzRNSyH4EjHhgJqsJnw&bvm=bv.74649129,d.d2s.

[6]  Ikus https://www.unibertsitatea.net/blogak/heterodoxia/2012/09/17/ebz-europako-bankuak-eta-bundesbank/.

[7] Ikus http://www.businessinsider.com/mario-draghis-speech-at-jackson-hole-2014-8.

[8]  Ikus http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2014/09/bank-dollars-sovereign-spending.html.

[9] Banku Zentrala eta Altxor Publikoa: (Fed and Treasury)

Ingelesez: “MRW | September 4, 2014 at 9:40 pm |

According to former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Frank N Newman in Freedom From National Debt (2013):

When the Treasury distributes funds, the nation’s deposits are initially increased. Where can the bank money go? Let’s look at an example, excluding the portion covered by taxes. Typically, before the Treasury issues $ 20 billion of securities, the government has distributed $ 20 billion to the public from its account at the Fed: redeeming maturing Treasuries, paying companies that provide goods and services for the government, for payments to individuals, etc.

Newman, Frank N. (2013-04-22). Freedom from National Debt (Kindle Locations 255-271). Two Harbors Press. Kindle Edition.

MRW | September 4, 2014 at 10:02 pm MRW |

Frank Newman also wrote on page 18 of the print version of Freedom From National Debt: In the process of Treasury issuance and redemption, the money involved changes hands but cannot leave the U.S. financial system. There is a huge, deep market for Treasuries, with an average of over $ 500 billion per day traded. Typically when the Treasury issues securities, it has already distributed funds to the bank accounts of investors redeeming securities and to recipients of government payments, from the Treasury account at the Fed. Treasury has been generally keeping about $ 100 billion, sometimes up to $ 300 billion, on deposit at the Fed— that is in addition to the hundreds of billions of other assets, including gold and silver, held by the Treasury. Sometimes the Treasury issues securities temporarily in advance of disbursement, mostly as part of planning for seasonal variations. Generally, the Treasury uses bank money newly received from tax collection and Treasury issuance to replenish its deposit accounts at the Fed.”

1 bilioi amerikarra: 109


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