Krugman: 15 urte igaro ondoren

Paul Krugman azkarra omen da…

Agian, baina soilik 15 urte pasatu behar izan dira, bera konturatzeko MMT-koek, hots, DTM-koek esan, idatzi eta plazaratu zutena egia zela.

Oraintsu Paul DeGrauwe deskubritu bide du[1].

i)                 Izan ere, Krugman-ek Degrauwe 2011[2] aipatzen du, ‘seminal paper’ gisa[3].

ii)                DTMkoek eta beste batzuek 2011 baino askoz lehenago publikatutakoa enoratuz[4], modu deliberatu batez.

Hona, bada DeGrawve baino lehenago publikatutako zenbait lan[5]:

Wynne Godley, Maastricht and All That (1992)

Charles Goodhart, One Government, One Money (1997)

Warren Mosler, Exchange Rate Policy and Full Employment (1998)

L. Randall Wray, Understanding Modern Money (1998)

Charles Goodhart, Two Concepts of Money (1998)

Mathew Forstater, Introduction to Symposium on The European Economic and Monetary Union (1999) (note other papers in the symposium, too)

Stephanie Kelton, The Role of the State and the Hierarchy of Money (2001)

Stephanie Kelton and Edward Nell, The State, the Market, and the Euro, (2003)

L. Randall Wray, Is Euroland the Next Argentina? (2003)

Stephanie Kelton and John Henry, When Exports Are A Benefit and Imports Are A Cost—The Conditions Under Which Free Trade Is Beneficial (2003)

Stephanie Kelton, Convergence Going In, Divergence Going Out? (2003)

Scott Fullwiler, Sustainable Fiscal Policy and Interest Rates Under Flexible Exchange Rates (2008)

Stephanie Kelton and L. Randall Wray, Can Euroland Survive? (2009)

Yeva Nersisyan and L. Randall Wray, Deficit Hysteria Redux (2010)

Dimitri Papadimitriou, Yeva Nersisyan, and L. Randall Wray, Endgame for the Euro? (2010)

Yeva Nersisyan and L. Randall Wray, Does Excess Sovereign Debt Really Hurt Growth? (2010)


Andrew Terzi, Fiscal Deficits in the US and Europe–Revisiting the Link with Interest Rates (2007):

(Gehigarria: ikus

[1] Ikus Krugman Gives DeGrauwe 2011 Credit for What MMT Has Argued for 15+ Years:

[3] Scott Fullwiler-ek dioenez, ingelesez: “… he cites DeGrauwe 2011 as the “seminal” paper demonstrating that Eurozone nations are subject to bond vigilantes while others like the US, Japan, and the UK would not be.  I’ve got nothing against DeGrauwe 2011 aside from his own failure to cite heterodox literature that preceded him by decades in some cases.”

[4]  Ingelesez: “… ignoring the literature by MMTers and others that preceded DeGrauwe 2011 is just another example of deliberate marginalization.”

[5]  Ingelesez: “…I’m going to list a sampling here of material by MMTers and related individuals that explained the difference between currency issuers/users and exchange rate regimes that preceded DeGrauwe 2011.”

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