Deflazioaz hitz bi

Deflazioa dela eta, jadanik zertxobait ikusia dugu blog honetan:

i)                 Mailegatzeak ekonomia errealari eragin behar dio, ez jadanik existitzen diren aktibo, bono, titulu eta abarrei.

Izan ere, aktiboen inflazioak deflazioa dakar[1]. Ondorioz, langabezia handituz doa. Eta, gure ustez, lanpostu berriak dira susperraldiaren indize argi eta garbi bakarra.


ii)                Orain arte esan digute, aspertu arte!, ezin zuela EBZ-k dirua banatu inflazio arriskua zegoelako…

Baina, “Deflazioaren mamua ere bueltaka dabil zenbait herrialdetan[2].”


iii)               Deflazioa ahuleziak sortzen du, ez alderantziz[3].

Deflazioa dementzia edo nola ekonomialariek eta kazetariek ez dakite ezer finantzaz[4]:


a)      Prentsaren iritzia. Europaren mehatxu berria: deflazioa[5]

b)      Bill Black-en erantzuna: ez, Europak jasaten du 2008an zeukan errealitatea bera, oro har, eskari eskasa[6]


Izan ere, Black-en ustez, EZB-ko nagusi Mario Draghi Bangladesh-erako bidearen diseinatzailea da[7], hego Europako langileek hangoekin ‘arrakastaz’ lehiatzeko esperantzan.


Eta Espainiari dagokionez, prentsak aipatzen duena[8] kontuan edukiz, Black-ek behin eta berriz aipatzen ditu ekonomialariak eta kazetariak probokatzaile huts gisa[9].


Deflazio Dementzia hedatu da!




Please, don’t take into account what the Basque economists and journalists say about the ‘European crisis and deflation’. They don’t know what are talking about, have no idea at all and are just talking plain nonsense!!!

[3]  Ikus ——>  They seem to think deflation causes weakness, rather than the other way around.”

[5]  Ingelesez: “…Europe now faces a new kind of economic threat — deflation, a protracted drop in prices that can snuff out growth for years…

[6]  Ingelesez: “No, the eurozone suffers the same reality that it has been the victim of since 2008 – grossly insufficient demand.

Eta gehiago: “…The eurozone is not facing a “new” (underlying) problem and the problem is not some future “threat” but a long extant reality…“

Gehi: “… problem the eurozone is suffering from is not “new” and it is not simply a potential “threat,“ but instead is the same problem besetting the eurozone for the last six years that has been made far worse by the troika’s quack austerity programs.”

[7]  Ingelesez: “…Draghi is one of the leading designers of the “Road to Bangladesh” strategy in which the working classes of the European periphery are extorted into cutting their wages to the point that they can compete “successfully” with workers in Bangladesh and other much poorer nations.”

[8]  Ingelesez: “The AP story admits that Spain is one of the eurozone nations suffering from deflation.”

[9]  Ingelesez: “…The trolls are telling us that deflation is a financial catastrophe that can cripple a nation for two decades.  The trolls tell us that the eurozone’s reported inflation rate is so low that the real inflation rate may already be negative – deflation may have begun, on average, in the eurozone.  The trolls are telling us that the eurozone’s fourth largest economy, Spain, is already suffering deflation and that their most hopeful scenario under existing austerity policies is that Spain will be in economic crisis for a total of nearly two decades.”

Eta hemen: “…The troika-trolls and the financial journalists (that regurgitate their drivel) are preaching a narrative that is so obviously demented that it tells us a great deal about the political class and economists as well.  The trolls and journalists know they can get away with creating a narrative in which it is difficult to judge whether its failure to pass even the most basic test of logic or its depravity for its conscious effort to remove completely gratuitous human suffering from the tale is the most offensive aspect of the enterprise.”


Iruzkinak (3)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude