Krisiaz, berriz

Randall Wray-k dioenez[1],

a)      Orain badakigu, inongo dudarik gabe, krisia iruzurra zela, goitik behera[2].

b)      Behin Wall Street Fed-ek eta Altxor Publikoak erreskatatua izan, ez zegoen erreformarako inolako biderik[3].

c)      Erakunderik handienak 2007an egin zutena egiten ari dira[4].

d)      Ekonomia osoa finantzialdua izan da[5].

e)      FIRE sektorea da nagusia[6].

Lanpostuak sortu behar dira[7], eta horretarako ezin da sektore pribatuaz fidatu.

Zer egin?

Gogoratu: Franklin Roosevelt did it the right way in the 1930s: declare a banking “holiday”, demand resignations from all top management, and refuse to allow banks to open until they had a plan that would lead to solvency.”

[2] Wray-k: “The crisis exposed the dangerous and lawless culture prevailing at the world’s biggest financial institutions. We now know, beyond any doubt, that it was fraud from bottom to top.”

[3] Wray-k:  Once Wall Street had been rescued behind closed doors by the US Fed and Treasury (it took $29 trillion!), there was no hope of reform. The biggest institutions just got bigger.

[4] Wray-k: “They are back to doing the same things they were doing in 2007.”

[5] Wray-k: “The crisis brought into public view the longer term trend toward “financialization” of the entire economy.”

[6] Wray-k: “The FIRE sector gets 40% of corporate profits and 20% of value added. That is, quite simply, crazy. Everything has become financialized.”

[7] Wray-k: “…what do we need? First, jobs. We cannot rely on the private sector to produce them.”

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Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude