Krugman? Ez, mila esker!

Krugman-ek gurpila birdeskubritu du[1].

Orain dela urte bete Krugman-ek argudiatu zuen berak, ez Minsky-k, benetan ulertu zuela bankugintza.


Krugman-en ustez, bankuek ezin dituzte gordailuak sortu aire hutsetik zeren beraiek erreserbak behar baitituzte konpentsaziorako.


Hona hemen Wray-ren erantzuna:

I hope Paul Krugman will move on to a 21st century understanding of banking.”

Izan ere, askoz hobea eta sakonagoa da Minsky Krugman baino[2]: Minsky-k askotan esan duen moduan, edozeinek sortu dezake dirua (“anyone can create money”), baina afera hauxe da, alegia, diru hori onartua izatea  (but “the problem lies in getting it accepted”).

Wray-k honela laburbiltzen du Minsky-k diruaz eta bankugintzaz askotan azpimarratu duena[3]:

  1. a capitalist economy is a financial system;
  2. neoclassical economics is not useful because it denies that the financial system matters;
  3. the financial structure has become much more fragile;
  4. this fragility makes it likely that stagnation or even a deep depression is possible;
  5. a stagnant capitalist economy will not promote capital development;
  6. however, this can be avoided by apt reform of the financial structure in conjunction with apt use of fiscal powers of the government.

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude