Berririk ote?

Badirudi ez dagoela ezer berririk eguzkiaren azpian[1]

Izan ere, politika fiskala da biderik efektiboena langabeziaren eta inflazioaren kontra, bien aurka, borrokatzeko[2].

[1]  Ikus

Marriner Eccles said that “this false notion”:

… that the affairs of a nation are like those of an individual. It just isn’t true, and starting from that false premise you can get into all sorts of illogical thinking and reasoning about public affairs.

Yet, macroeconomics students around the world in mainstream programs are confronted with this analogy all the time. The Government Budget Constraint literature, which drives most of the mania about deficits and public debt ratio thresholds etc is based upon it.”

Neoliberals claim that governments, like households, have to live within their means. They say budget deficits have to be repaid and this requires onerous future tax burdens, which force our children and their children to pay for our profligacy.”

Whereas households have to save (spend less than they earn) to spend more in the future, governments can purchase whatever they like whenever there are goods and services for sale in the currency they issue.

Budget surpluses provide no greater capacity to governments to meet future needs, nor do budget deficits erode that capacity. Governments always have the capacity to spend in their own currencies.”

“The figures that matter are – lost income, lost jobs, rising unemployment, rising underemployment, increased poverty rates. As Marriner Eccles said: “Isn’t it up to us to keep our eyes on the important things?”.”

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