
a)      Irlanda

Irlanda atzeraldian dago, nahiz eta bertan austeritatezko neurri gogorrak erabili:

Ireland falls back into recession despite multibillion-euro austerity drive[1].

b)      Europar Batasuna (EB)

EBko ekonomia okertuz doa, astiro baina etengabe:

…a reduced pace of deterioration does nothing to alleviate the ongoing and intense social pressure that is driving members to the breaking point[2].

c)      Italiarako Mosler-en proposamena, Aquila-ko lurrikara dela kausa

Kasu konkretu: Italiako Aquilan egondako lurrikara

Afera: diru laguntza erabiltzea, hondamenditik irteteko

Mosler-ek proposatutakoa[3]:

…funding 5 billion euro over 5 years to rebuild earthquake damage in Italy

My proposal was to allow corporations to accelerate a mere 5 billion of tax payments from 10 years forward where the EU forecasts show excess revenues, to be applied over the next 5 years for the rebuilding of the recent damage to L’Aquila that killed over 300 people.”

Emaitza:  EB-k ez du onartu Mosler-en proposamen hori

“And apparently the EU rejected my proposal even though the proposal was perfectly legal and well within the spirit of EU policy, etc. (…) And most disturbing is that the rejection has every appearance of malice. And clearly any monetary arrangement, such as the euro zone, that can’t find a way to rebuild earthquake damage of a fraction of a % of GDP in the face of gaping output gap makes no economic sense whatsoever.”

d)      Petrolioaren krisia?

Inoiz ez da egon inolako petrolio krisirik.

There never has been, an oil crisis or gap. Oil reserves are not dwindling. The Middle East does not have and has never had any oil weapon. The real problem we face over oil dates from after 1970: a strong but clumsy monopoly of mostly Middle Eastern exporters cooperating as OPEC[4].

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude