Randall Wray: moneta subiranoa eta elkarrizketa

Moneta subiranoa

Moneta subiranoa gobernuaren IOU (I owe you) da[1], alegia ‘zor dizut’ delakoa.

Oso sinplea da. Moneta subiranoa soilik sartu daiteke ekonomian gobernuaren gastuen edo maileguen bitartez – Alan Gresnspan-ren eta Ben Bernanke-ren ‘tekla sakatzearen’ bidez.

Gobernuak tekla sakatu dezake apur bat edo asko, nahi duen beste.

Hortaz, monetari dagozkion erlijio zaharra, superstizioa edo eta mitoak ahantzi behar dira.

Moneta subiranoaren afera oso erraza eta laua da. Ez dauka inongo misteriorik.

Elkarrizketa: MMT (hots, DTM), Euroa eta suspertzerako bidea[2]

Hona hemen punturik garrantzitsuenak:

a)      DTM txartalismoaren[3] barruan kokatzen da, G. F. Knapp-en State Theory of Money liburua gidaria delarik.

b)      DTM-k badauka hamaika erabilera, ez soilik moneta subiranoko herrialdeetan, baizik eta garapen bidean dauden herrialdeetan, truke-tasa finkoko zein libreko sistemetan[4].

c)      Paul Krugman eta DTM: Krugman-ek ez du ongi ulertzen DTM, baina, denboraren poderioz, hurbiltzen ari da[5].

d)      Hyman Minsky eta DTM: zergek monetari ematen diote balioa.

1986ko Stabilizing an Unstable Economy liburuan, Minsky-k argi utzi zuen afera, betiko[6]. Baita ‘job guarantee’ delakoa ere[7].

e)      DTM eta ideologia politikoa. DTM-k deskribatzen du gauzek nola funtzionatzen duten, ideologiatik eta politikatik at. Hala ere, “… I do subscribe to the view that the goal cannot be to just understand the world. We try to understand it so that we can change it. (…) I’m a progressive and I want to go forward, to use the monetary system to mitigate problems such as unemployment and poverty….”

f)       DTM eta Eurolandia: eurogunean sistema akasduna erabiltzen ari dira interes batzuen alde[8].

g)      Euro krisia. Hona hemen Grezia, Irlanda, Portugal eta Espainiarako gomendatzen dudana: akordio bat egitea zentroari ez permititzeko eurokide batek beste baten aurka borrokatzea[9]. Batera austeritatearen bukaera eskatzea, edo EB uztea, denok batentzat eta bat denontzat. Job guarantee programa bat denontzat. Ez da behar Alemaniako agendari zerbitzatzea.

h)      Alemania: Eurolandian barneko politikak eta austeritate neurri latzek frogatu dute erabat katastrofikoak direla, hazkunde globala geldituz eta giza sufrimendua zabalduz[10].

i)       Ekonomia globala: funtsezko erreforma behar da. Europak zentro fiskal sendoago bat behar du, AEBetako Altxor Publikoaren antzeko bat, eurokide guztientzako finantza hobetzeko, eta ez austeritatea ezartzeko.

j)       2013rako iragarpena, ekonomia globalaz: Wynne Godley lankideak esan zuenez, berak proiekzioak egiten zituela, ez iragarpenak. Korronte nagusiko ekonomialariek iragarpenak egiten dituzte, ekonomialari seriosek ez. Eta, noski, korronte nagusiko ekonomialariak oker daude. Proiekzioaz, Godley-k esan nahi zuen batek kontu handiz hiru balantze sektorialak (publikoa, pribatua eta kanpokoa) estudiatzen dituela eta zer gertatu behar zaiela haiei, aukerabide eszenatokien multzoa lortzeko -zer gertatu ahalko litzateke, litezkeen joerak kontuan hartuz-.

AEBetara begiratzen badugu, kontu korronte defizitak eta sektore pribatu soberakinak ikusten ditugu. Bi sektore horiek zulora daramate AEBetako ekonomia. Une berean, gobernuaren maila guztietan murrizketak daude. Ezin da modu positiboan aurrera begira egon.

Eta bankariek gezurrak esaten eta lapurtzen segitzen dute, auziperatzeko inolako beldurrik gabe.

Ez dago inongo lasaigarririk begien bistan. Porrot egingo du. Soilik esatari arin batek iragar dezake noiz.

[5]Actually Krugman gets better and better with age. He’s gradually getting close to understanding us. I think every one of his criticisms has been wrong—and many of us have corrected him. He does not acknowledge this and I really don’t care if he ever does. What is important is that he (quietly) changes his mind and gets more and more of it right.”

[6] (55-56 orr.): “The value of Federal Reserve liabilities is based on the existence of substantial taxes, which must be paid in Federal Reserve liabilities to the government’s account at the Federal Reserve. As long the federal government is an effective taxing authority, as long as a major part of government expenditures are financed by taxes, and as long as the government ‘banks’ at the Federal Reserve, conditions cannot arise in which the Federal Reserve liabilities no longer function as money”

Eta 258 or.: “In an economy where government debt is a major asset on the books of the deposit-issuing banks, the fact that taxes need to be paid gives value to the money of the economy”.

[7] Wray-ren hitzez: “…he had written tons on the employer of last resort approach to ending unemployment and poverty back in the 1960s and early 1970s…”

[8]  Wray: “…What is clear now is that all European leaders do understand that the system is fatally flawed. They have no excuse for imposing suffering. So now it certainly does look like they are using the flawed system to benefit certain interests. (…) [German politicians] are imposing intolerable suffering on most of the rest of Europe. They are dooming the entire European project….”

[9]  Wray: “Here’s what I recommended for Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, and Spain. You must band together, making a pact that you will not allow the center to pit one Euro member against the other. Together you demand an end to austerity, or you will leave the EMU—all for one and one for all. Debt relief for all. Substantial fiscal stimulus from the center for all. A job guarantee program for all. Without that, all of you leave. Make it clear. Make it believable. And leave if the center does not stop the austerity. You do not need to serve Germany’s domestic policy agenda.

[10]  Wray. “…Those who are powerful in the center view exports as the path to prosperity. Germany is of course the most successful at that. While Germany is huge within the EU it is relatively small compared to the global economy. It is conceivable that Germany can hold costs in check while innovating, improving efficiency and focusing on high value exports to create demand for its output (many of those exports staying within the EU, of course). Perhaps Germany can hold its own against Asia and the Americas. But this strategy has no chance of succeeding for Europe as a whole. The world is not big enough to supply demand for Europe’s potential output,… (…) And everywhere else has cheaper labor than Europe’s. So Germany insists on belt-tightening and cost-cutting throughout Europe, which cannot work because Europeans cannot reduce living standards to those of Viet Nam. And even if they did, that kills Germany, too.”

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