Nor da nor? (Who’s who?)

EBZ eta Alemaniako Banku Zentrala, alegia, Bundesbank: Grezia da gaia.

Yanis Varoufakis-ek, greziar ekonomialariak, idatzi duen moduan[1]:

Lehendabizi aparteko baieztapena etorri zen:  EBZ-k edozein gauza egingo du euroaren alde[2].

Gero etorri zen une bat non batek bere sinesgarritasuna betiko galdu zuen, segur aski Bundesbank-en sinestezinezko presioen eraginez[3].

[2]  “The ECB will do whatever is necessary to ensure that those who go short on the euro, who bet on its disintegration, will lose. “And, believe me”, he added “it will be enough”.”

[3]  “Then came the moment to put up or forever lose his credibility. Alas, probably under incredible pressure from the Bundesbank, he opted for the latter.”


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